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Tanzania signs Samoa agreement
TANZANIA government has signed new partnership agreement with the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union (EU) with its member states.
Algeria wants to create a free trade zone with Mauritania
Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune chaired a council of ministers on Sunday, December 24. The Head of State ordered the Prime Minister, Nadir Larbaoui, to launch an in-depth study for the creation of a free trade zone with Mauritania.
US formally removes Uganda from AGOA
The United States has officially struck off Uganda and three other African countries as beneficiaries of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), effectively ending Kampala’s ability to export certain commodities to the US duty-free.
Egypt nears completion of free trade agreement with Eurasian Economic Union
In a significant stride towards economic integration, Egypt is nearing final negotiations to establish a free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
Government reforms face corporate backlash in Honduras
As President Xiomara Castro’s administration works to mitigate the fallout of the post-coup years, transnational companies are lining up to sue the state for lost profits.
What happens when a country says ‘no’ to mining?
The battle between a Canadian mining company and Panama over one of the richest copper-gold mines in the Americas is headed to international arbitration – exposing Canada’s double standard when it comes to promoting free trade in the Global South.
Guatemala joins Korea-Central America FTA
Korea’s trade ministry said that Guatemala has formally signed a deal to join Seoul’s free trade agreement with a group of Central American nations.
Next round of India-Oman FTA talks from January 16; negotiations progressing well: Official
The talks on the text of most of the chapters have been concluded by both sides for the pact, a senior official said.
Panama sued by 3+ mining companies after supreme court rules mining contract unconstitutional
Panama is facing at least three Investor-State Dispute Settlement cases from mining investors who claim that their investments have been affected by the decision.
EFTA: Trade deficit, Swiss blanket removal of import duties to hurt India
The report by economic think tank GTRI said the trade agreement in the current format will not help Indian exports and will result in higher imports and wider trade deficit.
Taiwan signs landmark bilateral investment agreement with Canada, aims to join CPTPP
Taiwan and Canada signed a bilateral investment deal, boosting the Taiwanese government’s efforts to bolster business ties with like-minded democratic partners and possibly easing the island’s entry into a major pan-Pacific trade pact.
Indonesia eyes CPTPP to enter Latin American market
Indonesia explores the CPTPP as a gateway to the Latin American market, with Chief Economic Affairs Minister Airlangga Hartarto emphasizing its potential to boost exports.
India to sign clean, fair economy deal under Indo-Pacific economic framework
India is expected to sign a much-awaited deal on two more pillars of the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework—clean economy and fair economy—early next year.
Inking of CEPA with UAE likely
Pakistan and United Arab Emirates (UAE) are likely to sign Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) on the lines of FTA with GCC countries.
Export opportunities to be optimised in 2024: Minister
Vietnam’s Minister of Industry and Trade, Nguyen Hong Dien, pledges to boost trade promotion and exports in 2024, focusing on optimizing free trade agreements, supporting domestic firms, and emphasizing market information and large-scale events.
Towards ambitious FTAs: A major barrier for broader
India is currently negotiating ambitious free trade agreements with the UK, EU, and Oman, and expanding economic cooperation with Australia. These agreements aim for a higher level of ambition, focusing on tariff reductions for selected items while excluding more sensitive areas.
Out with the old: ISDS & charting a new future
In our latest episode, we’re talking about Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and its implications for our economies and democracies.
North Americanism turns 30
NAFTA and USMCA have dramatically reshaped Mexico.
Petrochemical industry opposes Oman FTA, deal may be delayed
The negotiations on India-Oman free trade agreement that were racing towards concussion may drag a bit longer as Indian petrochemical producers have opposed any deep duty cuts on polypropylene and polyethylene that might be offered in the pact.
Gaza war hits India-Israel talks, diverts diamond shipments
Normalcy in the FTA negotiations between Israel and India is expected only after de-escalation of the war.