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“If beef is not included”, there won’t be no Mercosur-EU trade agreement, warns Uruguay
European Union and Mercosur coordinators to exchange the list of goods and services in mid October, the first formal meeting of its kind in fourteen years.
Brazil wants free trade within MERCOSUR
The Brazilian government has discussed measures to eliminate internal obstacles and make free trade possible between member countries of the Southern Common Market.
Commission boosts infringement procedures against five countries
The European Commission today ramped up infringement procedures against Austria, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden to push them toward scraping their bilateral investment treaties with other EU nations.
Vattenfall AB and others v. Federal Republic of Germany - Public hearing
The hearing on jurisdiction, merits and quantum in Vattenfall AB and others v. Federal Republic of Germany is scheduled to take place before a three-member arbitral tribunal from Monday, October 10, 2016 through Friday, October 21, 2016.
Canada’s civil society calls for Chevron’s assets to be frozen so Ecuador judgment can be paid
Some of Canada’s largest environmental, labor and civil society organizations have now joined the growing international community demanding that Chevron clean up its toxic waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
NFU President meets with EU farm leaders in Brussels, talks dairy crisis and CETA
NFU President encouraged Europe to solve its ongoing dairy crisis by adopting a Canadian-style supply management system instead of attempting to use the CETA trade agreement to increase dairy exports to Canada.
Good news for Canada’s environmental assessment law: no cash advance for Bilcon
Federal Court of Canada rejects Bilcon’s application to stay proceedings, denying the Delaware company an early pay day.
Case between Ecuadoreans, Chevron heading to Ontario court
The latest salvo in a marathon multibillion-dollar legal battle between global energy giant Chevron Corp. and a group of Ecuadorean residents over environmental damage has begun in a Toronto court.
Morocco ratifies 3 bilateral investment treaties
This surge in the ratification of “Intra-African” BITs is part of the Moroccan “South-South Partnership” strategy
EU wants swifter progress on economic partnership with Japan
Trade minister Hiroshige Seko has received a letter from a senior European Commission official urging prompt conclusion of an economic partnership agreement.
Kenya finally deposits EU trade pact ahead of Saturday deadline
Just a week after the National Assembly unanimously endorsed the Economic Partnership Agreement, the government deposited the same instruments with the EU.
New Zealand, Gulf states renew efforts to seal free trade pact
New Zealand and the Gulf Cooperation Council will work to get a stalled free trade pact back on track after trade ministers from the Pacific nation and Saudi Arabia agreed to deepen trade ties.
Big Pharma lobbying in TTIP: Bad news for patients
Big Pharma is everything but shy when it comes to lobbying EU policy-makers. But what exactly are these groups lobbying for in TTIP?
EU wins the battle for reciprocal trade access in Africa
The six African countries threatened with losing access to the European single market have finally agreed to sign the EU’s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). But the continent’s regional integration may suffer as a result. EurActiv France reports.
Mitigating political risk: Treaty protections versus political risk insurance
A discussion of some general distinctions between invesment treaty protections and political risk insurance.
Cloud providers draw battle lines against TISA, will keep personal data in the EU
A new coalition of cloud companies has published a code of conduct to keep European data inside Europe, just as the issue looks set to become one of the most hotly contested points in the controversial Trade in Services Agreement (TISA).
India to operationalize BIPA with Canada
On Canada’s insistance, India is expected to sign a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with Canada based on an old text, not its new model BIT. The old text contains contentious provisions such as the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.
Unpacking CETA
For decades, labour has been fighting purely defensive battles against the neo-liberal trade and investment agenda; we lack an agenda of our own. Lost ground will not be reclaimed on what is fundamentally hostile territory, argues Peter Rossmann of the IUF.
Malaysia, EU may resume FTA talks soon: Najib
Malaysia and the European Union may resume stalled free trade talks by the end of 2016, the Southeast Asian state’s premier said Wednesday in Germany
Greece asks for suspension of TTIP negotiations
The Greek Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, George Stathakis, has called for the temporary suspension of negotiations on the Transatlantic Partnership Trade and Investment today in Bratislava.