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EFTA talks on proposed FTA to resume this month
The long-stalled negotiations for a free trade agreement between India and the EFTA, a bloc of four European countries including Switzerland, are expected to resume this month.
China’s BRICS trade pact idea finds no takers
Other members fear a pact could lead to a surge in imports of Chinese goods, hurting local manufacturing
The 101 on how global trade treaties came to threaten the environment
International trade agreement provisions once meant to protect investors today can challenge a nation’s sovereignty and invalidate environmental laws.
Cotu criticises Kenya’s persistence on EU trade deal
Kenya’s umbrella body of trade unions has criticised the Government for its persistent stand on the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union.
New interactive map shows TPP would expand multinational corporations’ power to attack U.S. laws
TPP would double number of corporations empowered to demand U.S. taxpayer compensation.
EAC infighting highlights divisions, threatens EU trade deal
Divisions in the EAC over the EU EPA highlights problems in the bloc and competing developmental strategies; if the EAC cannot act as one, can it survive?
Deeper analysis on potential Pacific trade pact: Chile
Six percent appears to be the base rate on tariffs for products exported to Chile.
US pressures Australia for stronger TPP biologics monopolies
According to the Bloomberg, Senator Hatch said “They’re going to have to find a way of having the countries agree to change that formality in the TPP to 12 years…If Australia wants to be part of it, they have to meet our terms,”
Trade through SAFTA demanded
Eight finance ministers from South Asia pushed for the fast-track formation of the South Asian Economic Union (SAEU) to ensure larger investment inflows, higher trade volumes and energy generation.
Divided EAC pushes EU agreement to January
Kenya will have to lobby for its own duty-free market access to Europe to shield its exports to the European Union from taxes.
Fiji to withdraw from PACER-Plus negotiations
Fiji has reportedly withdrawn from negotiations for the proposed PACER-Plus regional free trade agreement.
A homegrown disaster
A secretive global legal system gives corporations leverage over the countries where they operate. Everyone said the United States didn’t have anything to worry about, because American laws are fair to begin with. Everyone was wrong.
Where is the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership headed?
The latest round of RCEP talks paints a worrisome picture for the global south, given that it will bring 3.5 billion people and 12% of world trade into its fold.
JKX vs. Ukraine: An update on the enforcement of emergency arbitrator’s award
The Ukrainian “saga” on the enforcement of the SCC emergency arbitrator’s award continues – the case is pending the second round of cassation review.
EU to kick-start EPA in 13 West African countries despite Nigeria’s resentment
EU’s Deputy Head of Delegation noted that the EU will not hesitate to withdraw the free access to European market enjoyed by the resenting countries: Nigeria, the Gambia and Mauritania.
Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Egypt to start free trade zones
Nigeria is to establish a free trade zone with Kenya, South Africa and Egypt. The four countries have already worked out modalities for establishing the zone.
’Conclusion of India, SACU pact to increase trade flows’
The agreement aims at reducing tariffs for certain products. Tariffs are customs duties on merchandise imports.
Government taking a relook at free trade agreements: Nirmala Sitharaman
Government is reviewing FTAs that India has signed with trading partners after the industry voiced concerns about benefits of these pacts for domestic players.
TPP fallout continues
The list of groups coming out against the TPP as it currently stands continues to get longer.
Congress to give AGOA some love
The short congressional session won’t be a total dead period for trade policy as the House is set to take up a bill today to enhance the African Growth and Opportunity Act.