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Groups call for end of Pacific trade negotiations
"The current EPA negotiations are a game of Russian roulette where the casualties will be the people of the Pacific Islands," said Professor Jane Kelsey at the release of A People’s Guide to the Pacific’s Economic Partnership Agreement in Suva today.
Susilo and Koizumi set to officiate FTA talks
Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Japan Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi are set to officially begin negotiations on a bilateral Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) during Susilo’s visit to Japan next week, a minister said.
India and Australia move closer to a free trade agreement
Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath and Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile have indicated that both the countries would beign discussions on a trade and economic framework, leading to possible free trade agreement (FTA).
Mandelson warns on lobbyists’ zeal
Campaigners on behalf of the developing world risk harming poor countries if they align themselves with forces opposed to change, Europe’s trade commissioner Peter Mandelson said last night.
U.S. encourages trade expansion with Arab World
The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) has engaged in intensive negotiations with a number of Arab countries to develop bilateral trade agreements which it intends to knit together into a Middle East Free Trade Area by 2013.
Australians to promote free trade agreement with Israel
A delegation of 30 Australian businesspeople and economic officials will arrive in Israel tomorrow to locate investment opportunities and seek to promote a bilateral free trade agreement with Israel.
EU and Canada launch negotiations on a Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement
Negotiations on a Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement (TIEA) between Canada and the European Union were launched on 17-18 May 2005 in Brussels.
Syria to sign free trade agreement with GCC
Syria will sign a free trade agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in June, the official al-Thawra newspaper said Friday.
Humayun for joint ventures with Sri Lanka
Pakistan and Sri Lanka will allow duty free access to hundreds of products on bilateral basis under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), to be effective from June 12 this year.
All systems go for Msia-Japan FTA by December
Commercial linkages between Malaysia and Japan are set increase significantly with both countries having achieved a breakthrough in finalising negotiations for a Japan-Malaysia Economic Partnership Agreement (JMEPA).
New round of UAE, US FTA talks productive
The United States said on Thursday that it is pleased with the progress made in this week’s trade negotiations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Indonesia hopes to expand farm exports to Japan through an FTA
Indonesia hopes to expand farm product exports to Japan through a bilateral free trade agreement, on which the two countries are soon expected to launch formal negotiations.
China launches its first FTA feasibility study with a European country
A local researcher said Thursday that China’s announcement of the launch of feasibility study on a free trade agreement (FTA) with Iceland is "of great significance. "
India: MTR drafts strategy for FTA with ASEAN
The Mid Term Review of the Tenth five year plan has argued that India should push for free trade areas with various regional groupings and suggested that the country reduce its Most Favoured Nation tariffs to a "very low level" in preparation for the FTA with ASEAN.
Japan cool to China bid for a free trade accord
Wu Yi, Chinese deputy prime minister, is urging Japan to start negotiations soon with China on a bilateral free trade agreement, but a Japanese official said Thursday that many barriers to fair trade in China made such a deal unappealing.
The changing landscape of regional trade agreements
This new WTO discussion paper looks at main trends and characteristics of regional trade agreements, in force and under negotiation. It also examines their effects on third parties and on the multilateral trading system.
Malaysia, Japan fail to break FTA deadlock over autos, steel - official
Malaysian and Japanese officials have yet to resolve differences over the auto and steel sectors which are seen as major obstacles to progress towards a free trade agreement (FTA), Agence France-Presse reported, citing an official familiar with the talks.
China urges Japan on FTA talks
Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi on Wednesday urged Japan to start negotiations soon with China on a bilateral free trade agreement, the Kyodo news agency reported.
Washington drags its feet over US-Egypt free-trade agreement
Egypt and the United States want to negotiate a free trade agreement but have not agreed on a date to begin talks, Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmad Nazif said after talks with U.S. officials in Washington.
Korea-Singapore FTA: Bridge to SE Asian markets, cornerstone for services liberalization
The KSFTA was promoted by Korea under two main strategies. One is to use Singapore as a bridge to gain more market access in Southeast Asia and strive further towards regional integration, and the other is to use external ‘stimulus’ from Singapore to “strengthen competitiveness” (restructuring and liberalization) of the services industry.....