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Japan urged to compromise more in FTA talks
ASEAN General Secretary Ong Keng Yong has called on Japan make more compromises in free trade talks between the country and the regional grouping.
Japan to boost aid for Asia to promote FTA
As part of efforts to promote free trade agreements (FTA) with Asian countries, Japan will step up such industrial aid as technical cooperation and personnel development for their automotive sectors.
M’sia-Australia to conclude negotiations on joint FTA by mid-2006
The process of negotiation for the possible Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is expected to be concluded by mid-2006, Minister of International Trade and Industry, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said.
Mexico FTA Talks Stall
The launch of free trade agreement (FTA) talks between South Korea and Mexico have stalled, on the latter’s request for an additional concession.
Vaile heads to Malaysia for FTA talks
Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile is to hold a round of free trade talks with his Malaysian counterpart at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur.
Pakistan-US differences over BIT persists
Pakistan has asked the United States to sign the proposed Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) by dropping its demand that in case of an arbitration only the Washington based International Centre for Settlement of Disputes (ICSID) should be approached for a decision.
Academic: China to be free trade driver
China is likely to eclipse the World Trade Organization and regional market-opening pacts to become the main driver of freer global trade in the 21st century, a prominent trade academic said on Tuesday, Reuters reported.
Bilateral agreements imposing TRIPS-plus intellectual property rights on biodiversity in developing countries
A detailed roster of FTAs and other bilateral agreements that impose "TRIPS-plus" standards with regard to biological diversity in developing countries.
India adopts ’Look West’ Asia policy
On the lines of its successful "Look East" policy to promote trade and investment with its Asian neighbours, India aims to adopt a similar policy for West Asia, an external affairs ministry official said here Tuesday.
Devil’s in the trading detail
The first member of President George W. Bush’s Cabinet to visit New Zealand has a positive message to take back to his Washington boss. Mike Johanns - appointed Agriculture Secretary earlier this year - was impressed by just how "New Zealand, to the person that I’ve talked to, is pro-trade".
NZ-US free trade deal not on agenda
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said on Tuesday that a free trade agreement with New Zealand was not on the Bush administration’s agenda, but remains a possibility in the future.
Korea-China FTA talks gather steam but a sticky path ahead
As economic interdependence between Korea and China grows significantly, government officials and economists find it more and more necessary to form a free trade agreement to strengthen bilateral economic relations.
US deal may hurt stem cell research
The free trade agreement (FTA) with the US could stifle Australian stem cell research, scientists and legal experts say.
US lobbyists making money from FTA
There have already been some big winners out of Australia’s free-trade deal with the United States - American lawyers and lobbyists.
Crucial FTA talks resume in Tokyo
The free trade talks between Thailand and Japan are approaching a crucial step, with officials preparing to address the origin of products, the last and thorniest issue on the agenda.
Uruguayan Senate debates US BIT, looks for common Mercosur posture on BITs
The Uruguayan Senate remains deeply divided on whether to move forward with the ratification of a US-Uruguayan Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT).
QIZ to be set up at Pak-Afghan border
International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been informed that Pakistan and Afghanistan will soon submit a joint proposal for establishment of Qualified Industrial Zone at Pak-Afghan Border to export to the United States of America.
Pakistani delegation to leave for Singapore
A Pakistani delegation led by joint secretary ministry of commerce Shahid Bashir will leave for Singapore on Monday (today) to formally initiate 3-day technical talks on Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on August 24, a senior government official told online here on Sunday.
PM calls for FTA with Bangladesh
Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz emphasizing that Pakistan and Bangladesh have a common heritage and enjoy a special and unique relationship said that we need to work towards free trade agreement.