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Protesters invade British government office over tar sands trade deal
On Friday morning, a group of protesters invaded Britain’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and are demanding a meeting with Stephen Green, the new minister for trade. Calling themselves the "Big Society Trade Negotiators," they are concerned that trade negotiations between the EU and Canada, due to start in Brussels on Monday, will dramatically boost Europe’s involvement in the Canadian tar sands — the most destructive project on earth.
Oil, gas, and Canada-Colombia free trade
Talisman Energy just announced that it will partner with Ecopetrol to purchase all of British Petroleum’s operations in Colombia for a total of CDN$1.9 billion.
Argentina scores second win in World Bank arbitration committee
The International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, or Icsid, dismissed the claims lodged by Enron Creditors Recovery Corp and Ponderosa Assets L.P. late Friday.
Will Chevron get away with destroying the Amazon?
Litigation over the ecological disaster that is Lago Agrio has produced a decades-long narrative that rivals Finnegans Wake in complexity.
Sables bitumineux: un groupe environnemental porte le débat devant l’ALENA
Un groupe environnemental canadien porte sa lutte contre l’exploitation des sables bitumineux albertains devant le mécanisme de régulation environnementale de l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALENA).
Tarsands complaint goes before NAFTA watchdog
A Canadian environment group is claiming the federal government is breaking its own laws when it comes to the tar sands, and plans to take its concerns to NAFTA.
EU urged to sign free trade deal with Gulf states
Gulf oil producers yesterday urged the European Union to stop setting conditions and sign a free trade agreement that has eluded the two sides for nearly two decades because of persistent rifts.
S. Korea, Colombia to start FTA talks this year
South Korea and Colombia agreed Thursday to begin talks on a free trade agreement (FTA) within the year, Seoul’s foreign ministry said after a meeting between their foreign ministers here.
Indian cos hope to tap Australian energy resources if FTA sails through
At a time when Indian utilities are scrambling for securing energy assets abroad, easier access to Australia’s vast natural resources could be among the possibilities for domestic companies, if the proposed Foreign Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two countries sails through.
NGO writes PM Aso to halt Japan biodiesel project
The public believes that the 600,000 hectare biodiesel deal between the Philippines and Japan is the Jpepa in action, says Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya)
GCC, ASEAN eye new trade bloc based on food, oil
Gulf Arab states and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) moved toward building a trade bloc based on food and oil at a joint meeting of foreign ministers on Tuesday.
Medvedev trip looks to secure Africa’s riches
President Dmitry Medvedev is embarking Tuesday on a four-day African tour, beginning with a visit to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak before moving on to Nigeria, Namibia and Angola. Medvedev’s trip appears focused on helping Russian companies gain additional access to the continent’s natural resources wealth.
Peruvian indigenous land conflict explained
Peru is back on the international human rights community’s blacklist
Peru: Amazonian indigenous people rise up
“Since April 9, an uprising has been occurring in the Peruvian countryside involving the Amazonian indigenous peoples from 1350 communities and a diversity of ethnicities”, said legendary peasant leader, Hugo Blanco in an important message. A translation of Blanco’s appeal for solidarity with this so-far mostly unreported struggle is printed below.
China, Japan and Indonesia’s LNG Ploys
This article outlines recent developments in Indonesia’s LNG export relationship with both Japan and China. It assess what is driving Indonesian policy in the areas of energy and investment, with particular reference to China.
No such thing as free trade
When Canadian Minister of International Trade Stockwell Day signed the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Peru on November 21, it was a happy day for Canada’s oil and gas sector, but the deal was celebrated instead as a landmark for human rights and democracy in Colombia.
Pooling of Resources Critical to Resolving SADC Energy Shortages
Regional stakeholders in the energy industry meeting in Tanzania have called for cooperation, integration and pooling of resources in the energy sector as the only way of dealing with energy shortages in southern Africa.
Selling out Colombia’s ’tierra querida’
Colombian indigenous took their protest to Colombia’s capital Bogotá this weekend. Their struggle is about controlling the land in which they have lived and taken care of for hundreds of years.
EU free trade agreement with Central America to include ethanol
The European Commission has offered to permanently scrap import duties on ethanol from Central America as part of ongoing discussions over an Association Agreement between the two regions.
Bolivia: Two years of ’post-neoliberal’ Indigenous nationalism — a balance sheet
The right laments the "isolation" of the Bolivian economy from the global currents of trade because it has put three crosses against the free trade agreement with the United States and there isn’t the will to take part in an agreement with the European Union, the "biggest markets on the planet".