European Commission
The European Union (EU) and the five Eastern and Southern African (ESA5) States which are implementing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) are negotiating round of deepening the EPA at technical and Senior Officials’ level
European Commission
The European Commission has published a report summarising progress made during the latest negotiation round to deepen the existing Economic Partnership Agreement with five Eastern and Southern African partners.
The journey of EPAs continues to unfold, with each chapter revealing new complexities and challenges. As negotiations progress, it remains crucial to monitor the evolving dynamics and their implications for trade relations between the EU and its partner countries.
European Commission
The European Commission published the report summarising progress made during the latest negotiation round to deepen the existing Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with five Eastern and Southern African partners.
European Commission
European Commission
European Commission
The third round of negotiations was held virtually from 24 to 27 November 2020. The next round is foreseen for April 2021.
Seychelles News Agency
Seychelles is for the first time hosting negotiations between the European Union and the Eastern Southern African States that are focusing on the implementation of an interim economic partnership.
The Southern Times
Although ESA says it is committed to the full EPA process with EU, the bloc accuses the EU of dragging its feet and rather preferring to enter into EPAs with individual African states outside the collective economic integration framework.
European Commission
The sixth meeting of the EPA Committee under the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (IEPA) between the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region and the EU was held in Antananarivo, Madagascar on 02-03 October 2017.