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China against Malaysia-Taiwan FTA
Chinese ambassador to Malaysia Huang Huikang says China is against any move by Malaysia to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with Taiwan.
Come clean on Malaysia’s trade with Israel, says PKR MP
A PKR lawmaker demanded today that Putrajaya reveal the trade relationship between pro-Palestine Malaysia and Israel amid the bloody conflict in Gaza.
India, Malaysia step up palm oil trade
The Malaysia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement is bolstering Malaysian palm oil imports by India
Privacy and the e-commerce chapter of the TPP
US proposals for free flow of information across borders and a ban on local server requirements could hamper other governments’ ability to uphold national privacy laws and regulations for off-shored personal data
FTAs with China, Malaysia damaging poultry industry
Free Trade Agreements signed with Malaysia as well as China, without taking the real stakeholders onboard, are damaging the local poultry industry, as the imports of processed chicken products under FTA with Malaysia are subject to zero percent import duty and from China at 16% import duty.
US agrees to direct engagement with stakeholders on TPPA, says MTEM
The US has agreed to hold direct engagements with key stakeholders on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), according to the Malay business lobby group Malay Economic Action Council (MTEM) today.
Dr M: Obama’s visit shouldn’t pressure Malaysia into signing TPPA
Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir said Malaysia should not feel pressured into signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) just because of President Barack Obama’s visit to Malaysia this weekend.
Malaysia hopeful TPPA will shape up as broad-based FTA in Asia Pacific
Malaysia is hopeful that the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) will shape up as a broad-based free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region with the eventual outcome of the negotiations taking into account its interests and concerns.
CAP calls on PM to withdraw from TPPA during Obama’s visit or at least not to make any concessions to the US President
The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has called on the Malaysian government to inform the United States President that Malaysia will be withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement when Mr. Barack Obama visits Malaysia later this week.
FTA signing highlight of Najib’s Ankara trip
The signing of a Free Trade Agreement between Kuala Lumpur and Ankara will be the highlight of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s two-day visit to Turkey.
American-European trade pact could dwarf TPPA if it becomes a reality
Economies like Malaysia would have to adhere to the tariff levels agreed to between both the EU and the US if they want to export to these markets and those of other potential members such as Japan and South Korea.
Night anti-TPPA protest for M’sians in the dark
Candles were lit and banners were hung in front of the International Trade and Industry Ministry last night as a form of protest against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
Malaysia-Pakistan FTA to be reviewed by month-end, says Mustapa
Malaysia and Pakistan will review the free trade agreement (FTA) between both countries by month-end, says International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
Turkey to sign FTA with far-east nations
Turkey’s Economy Minister announced that Turkey will sign free trade agreements with Japan, Singapore and Malaysia.
Envoy calls for free trade pact between Taiwan and Malaysia
The Republic of China representative to Malaysia called on the Malaysian government to consider signing an economic cooperation agreement with Taiwan.
‘Havoc for palm oil sector’
Palm oil refiners, some of which are owned by the country’s largest conglomerates, may face a bleak future if Malaysia accedes to demand under free trade pacts to dismantle the crude palm oil (CPO) tax.
M’sia said to have backed down on TPP stance
The Bantah TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) agreement organisation expressed disappointment vis-à-vis the Malaysian negotiators, saying they are cowing to the Americans in the last rounds of the highly secretive trade talks.
FTA talks with EU postponed to give way to TPPA negotiations
The negotiations on the free trade agreement between the European Union and Malaysia were postponed to give way to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement talks, said the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
South Korea considering FTA with Malaysia
South Korea is considering a free trade agreement (FTA) partnership with Malaysia in order to spur its bilateral relations with the country
At summit, Kerry’s visit draws 100 anti-TPPA protestors
About 100 people railed in Kuala Lumpur against the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) as US Secretary of State John Kerry rubbed shoulders with Malaysian government officials at an entrepreneurial summit in the capital city.