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Japanese farmers’ opposition to TPP waning, Malaysian minister says
Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamad told Kyodo News, "The Japanese shared with us some issues they have in agriculture, but they told me that opposition is slowly dying down. It wasn’t as serious as it was six months ago. In their view, it’s manageable."
Minimal progress made at 19th round of TPP negotiations
Minimal progress has been achieved on most outstanding areas in the 19th round of the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations taking place in Brunei since Aug 22.
Malaysia should abandon TPP talks, ex-PM Mahathir says
The Malaysian government should pull out from the trans-Pacific free trade talks, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Monday, calling the proposed trade pact a US tool to extend its hegemony.
Malaysian civil society’s red lines on the TPPA negotiations
The Malaysian government must not sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) given the ‘Red Lines’ issued by civil society groups are not accepted by the other TPPA countries.
M’sia Cabinet drops TPP timeline
Under pressure from the a larger coalition against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, the Malaysian Cabinet has decided to stick to several “red lines” and to drop any timeline for the signing of the disputed trade deal, a senior government official said last week in Kuala Lumpur.
TPPA is not in our national interest
Malaysia should reject the TPPA outright until and unless a comprehensive and impartial CBA and comparative advantage study are conducted whose results are extensively communicated to the public
A guide to the TPPA–Why Bantah?
The TPPA may be a free trade agreement in form, but it is an imperialist regulatory agreement in substance.
FTAs actually restrict free trade
We are told that when trade is free, there will be more trade and nations will prosper. To achieve even freer trade the nations of the world must enter into free trade agreements.
IP Rights chapter of TPP far from final, says ministry
The Intellectual Property (IP) Rights chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is far from being finalised.
TPPA gets hostile response during public meeting
A public consultation session here intended to gather feedback on the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) garnered mostly hostile response from the participants.
Nurul Izzah: Don’t bow down to pressure on TPP
Malaysia’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat VP Nurul Izzah Anwar has accused the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of bowing down to pressure when it agreed to clauses on investor-state dispute settlement in negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
TPPA: NGOs want medical and tobacco business excluded in free trade talks
Malaysia should exclude medical and tobacco businesses in the ongoing free trade talks under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).
Malaysia detains 14 trans-Pacific free trade deal protesters
Malaysian police on Saturday detained 14 people protesting against ongoing negotiations for a huge trans-Pacific free trade deal.
Malaysian socialists oppose Pacific free trade agreement
The Socialist Party of Malaysia has no illusion about the true colours and intent of the TPPA/FTA as an agenda of US mega corporations.
3 chambers say aye to TPP, but ACCCIM wants China included
Chambers of commerce in the country have lent their support to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations, saying it promotes a secure and mutually beneficial trade environment and brings greater opportunities for participating countries.
18th round of TPP negotiations to be held in Sabah
The 18th Round of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Negotiations will be held from July 15 – 25, in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Next round of EU-Malaysia FTA talks to resume in Q4, says envoy
The next round of negotiations on the EU-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement is expected to resume in the fourth quarter, says Ambassador & Head of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia, Luc Vandebon.
What are BITs, FTAs and the TPPA?
Malaysia should learn from Peru’s experience and be most cautious about signing any BITs or FTAs that a company like Lynas may later use against Malaysia.
TPP to open up new market opportunities and horizons for Malaysians, says FMM
The Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) is of the view that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) would open up new market opportunities and horizons for Malaysians to take advantage of the international marketplace, says FMM president Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon.
MITI brief on the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Briefing paper from Malaysia’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry as it prepares to host the next round of TPP negotiations on July 15-25 in Kota Kinabalu