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Drug patents remain a major FTA battleground
Drug patent restrictions by the United States and the European Union in trade negotiations with emerging countries will harm the Thai pharmaceutical industry and affect local patients, say researchers.
FTA pact’s product list under attack
The government is coming under increasing attack from activists for pushing ahead with EU-Thailand free trade agreement talks which include alcohol, tobacco and medicines.
Chile signs free-trade agreement with Malaysia, starts talks with Thailand
During a gathering of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation nations, Chile inked a free-trade agreement with Malaysia, the first signed under the administration of President Sebastian Pinera, and started talks with Thailand for a similar agreement.
Free trade deals bait Indian fishermen
A series of bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) is threatening the livelihoods of India’s fishermen on the 8,000 km peninsular coastline — among the longest in the world — and the diets of millions of Indians for whom fish is a cheap source of protein.
India to negotiate free trade agreements with Indonesia, Thailand soon
In a move that can change the dynamics of trade in East Asia and also throw a challenge to China’s economic dominance in its own backyard, India is looking forward to negotiate comprehensive free trade agreements with Indonesia and Thailand.
Peru-Thailand free trade agreement to be signed next month
Peru will sign its free trade agreement with Thailand during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Japan next month.
FTA talks: Activists boycott hearing
A public hearing on whether to include alcohol and tobacco in the Thailand-EU free trade agreement talks was a non-starter yesterday as activists boycotted the event.
EU-Thai ties back on track, say diplomats
The Asia Europe Meeting to be held in Brussels next week will provide the first platform for high-level bilateral talks between the EU and Thailand, including ways to launch an EU-Thailand FTA, since Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted as prime minister, the chief of the European Commission in Thailand says.
Agreement with Thailand to take effect in 2011
The Early Harvest Protocol of the Partial Agreement for Bilateral Preferences negotiated with Thailand will take full effect in the first half of next year, according to Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).
Peru-Thailand trade agreement comes into force in first half 2011
Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) announced that the Early Harvest Protocol signed by Peru and Thailand in 2005 would enter into force in the first half of next year.
Thai-Lao business blossoms
The value of cross-border trade between Thailand and Laos is forecast to reach 80 billion baht at the end of this year, as the Thai government is pursuing a new strategy to optimise free trade agreements.
Thailand-Peru FTA could be sealed next month
The Thai government will propose the Parliament to endorse a bilateral free trade area agreement with Peru next month in order to enhance the effectiveness of trade pacts this year, according to Thai Commerce Minister Porntiva Nakasai.
Thailand, India talk of replacing limited trade pact with FTA
India and Thailand are likely to restart talks on a full-fledged free trade agreement including goods, services and investments.
Thai cabinet approves draft of free trade agreement with Chile
The draft will be proposed for the approval of parliament before negotiations kick off.
Time to make the most of trade with Japan
The government should set up an agency to follow up the implementation of the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA) in order to make it more effective, says the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI).
Thailand: June start eyed for FTA talks with EU
The Thai government is accelerating the process of establishing preliminary guidelines and conducting public hearings in order to launch free-trade agreement (FTA) talks with the European Union by June, a move seen as necessary to ensure the Kingdom remains competitive with potential rivals who are also looking to ink a pact with the bloc.
China to replace US as Thailand’s main export market this year
The surge in Thai exports to China is attributed to China’s strong economic growth and the implementation of the China-ASEAN free trade agreement on January 1
CP urges firms to tap low tariffs under trade pacts
Thai entrepreneurs need to make the best use of tariff cuts under free trade agreements, says Charoen Pokphand Group, Thailand’s leading agricultural conglomerate.
Trade pact with the US ’depends on Thailand’
"There is no question that President Obama’s efforts to at least start talking to a few countries in Asia about a free trade agreement are the right step. Whether Thailand is ready to engage with the US in a free trade discussion is really a question for the Thais themselves," says the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand.
Thailand: Free trade talks with EU likely this year
Thailand is expected to start a first round of negotiations toward a bilateral free-trade agreement with the European Union by the middle of the year, to remain competitive with rivals Vietnam and Singapore.