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Slipshod SK-US FTA negotiations must be halted
Looking at what has been negotiated, it is clear the process is going to end in a way where Korea loses if things turn out well and loses even more if things don’t turn out well.
FTA-inflicted farm households to get subsidy
The Korean government is moving to soothe the anger of farmers and others who will be affected by a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States by committing a package of measures aimed at supporting them.
Italian lawsuit against SA government reinforces historical injustice
Finstone Ltd SA, a foreign mining company based in Luxembourg, is suing the South African government for an alleged expropriation of its mineral rights. Finstone is a holding company in control of three South African granite producing operations i.e. Marlin, Red Graniti and Kelgran. The real challenge posed by this legal action is that the abovementioned investors find the black economic empowerment programme is in violation of the bilateral treaties signed with South Africa by both Luxembourg and Italy.
Anti-FTA protests to continue on last day of FTA talks
Protests against free trade talks between South Korea and the United States continue Friday as negotiators make a last-ditch effort to find ways to conclude a deal before a weekend deadline. The Korean Alliance Against the Korea-US FTA plans to hold an evening candlelight protest in downtown Seoul with more than 10,000 workers, farmers and activists taking part.
N. Korea calls for struggle against FTA
North Korea has urged South Koreans to fight against Seoul’s free trade agreement with the US, condemning it as a “yoke of subordination.”
US urges S. Korea to be rational in FTA talks
The US secretary of agriculture urged South Korea to be "rational and predictable" in dealing with trade issues, a stern message that came as the two countries get ready to conclude a free trade agreement (FTA).
Indigenous peoples’ summit: defending their right to the land
The fight for land and territory and opposition to neoliberalism and free trade treaties (FTAs) with the United States are the main issues at the Indigenous People’s Summit currently meeting in Iximché, Guatemala.
Roh says he is committed to sealing FTA with U.S. by weekend deadline
South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun said Wednesday that he will make the final decision on whether to conclude a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States on returning home Friday from his weeklong trip to the Middle East.
Court rejects petition against FTA
The Administrative Court yesterday turned down a petition by a group of Thai non-government groups to block a free-trade deal with Japan, saying the issue was beyond its jurisdiction.
Thai leader to visit, sign FTA with Abe next week
Thai Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont has said Japan and Thailand will sign a free-trade agreement next week during his visit.
Roh, Bush hold phone talks over FTA
South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and U.S. President George W. Bush on Thursday held a telephone conversation and confirmed their political will to conclude a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) deal, Roh’s spokesman Yoon Seung-yong said.
Korea’s anti-FTA movement could produce next president
Three political leaders joined the "wave of hunger strikes" in a bid to stop the ongoing negotiations on the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement. Those include former Justice Minister Chun Jung-bae, former Uri Party Chairman Kim Geun-tae and former member of the conservative opposition Grand National Party Im Jong-in.
Japan-Chile FTA (2007)
“Trade for Peace with Israel” falls short
The next time your Wal-Mart sweatpants read “Made in Jordan QIZ” on the label, consider the relationship between economic integration and peace. The truth might not be what you expect.
Green Revolution and free trade
Hiding behind the controversy over the Gates and Rockefeller foundations plan to re-introduce a "Green Revolution" into Africa is the real problem with food production in developing countries: Free trade.
Chile: FTA with Japan represents a "black panorama" for fruit producers
According to the President of the Chilean based Federation of Fruit Producers, Rodrigo Echeverría, the agreement with Japan to conform a free trade zone benefits only few Chilean fruit producers.
Last minute bid to delay FTA
Four anti-free trade groups will today seek an emergency order from Thailand’s Supreme Administrative Court to stop the signing of the free trade area (FTA) agreement with Japan next week. They are the Khao Kwan Foundation, the Bio Thai Foundation, the Consumers’ Foundation and the Aids Access Foundation.
India to expand free trade with Europe
Even as an economic cooperation agreement with the European Union is in the offing, India on Wednesday announced that it would expand its free trade regime in Europe by exploring the possibilities of similar pacts with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), comprising Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
GOP may have to swallow tough labor terms for trade deals
As the Bush administration this week pursues a breakthrough with Democratic leaders aimed at gaining congressional approval for new trade agreements, the fate of the deals appears to hinge on whether Republicans are willing to accept tough labor conditions that they assert could boost the power of unions in the United States.
‘Nepal keen on entering into FTA with Sri Lanka’
Minister of Export Development and International Trade Prof. G.L. Pieris delivering the keynote address on “Exports and Future Government Plans” at the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka said Nepal is keen on entering into an FTA with Sri Lanka.