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FTA should be done with Taiwan, says Dunne
A free trade agreement with Taiwan should be pursued as soon as a deal is done with China, United Future leader Peter Dunne said yesterday.
S. Korea-US FTA should not be disrupted by interest groups: Roh
President Roh Moo-hyun said Thursday the South Korea-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) should not be blocked by some interest groups’ resistance.
Jordan, GCC make big advancement in FTA negotiations
The Jordanian minister of Industry and Trade said that his country and members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have made great advancement in their negotiations for the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
S. Korea to reflect farmers’ concerns in US free trade talks
"Farmers and ranchers will be invited to take part in negotiations from the outset," a Korean agricultural ministry official said.
Pakistan approves free trade pact in South Asia
The Pakistani cabinet approved a regional pact on Wednesday to promote free trade and economic ties in South Asia, home to nearly one-fifth of the world’s population.
CAFTA delays costing jobs, investment
The delay in implementing the Central American Free Trade Agreement has hit the region’s clothing industry hard, putting factories in legal limbo while much of their business leaves for Asia.
S. Korean rice industry to be hit hard by FTA with US: Report
South Korea’s rice industry could suffer a significant drop in earnings and production if the country signs a free trade pact with the United States, even if rice is excluded from the deal, a report said Wednesday.
Trinidad and Tobago to sign investment treaty with Germany
Last week, representatives from both governments met in Port of Spain to conclude the negotiations for a bilateral treaty for the encouragement and mutual promotion of investments.
South America trade zone faces challenges
Mercosur is becoming more of a political body than a free-trade advocacy group.
EU eyes free trade zone in Balkans
The European Commission has proposed replacing the existing web of bilateral trade agreements in the Balkans with a regional free trade agreement — a move it says would boost economic prospects. However, the idea has met with opposition in Croatia.
Japan, GCC to hold pre-FTA talks
Japan and the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council will hold preliminary talks on a free-trade agreement in late May, government sources said Tuesday.
Uribe heads to US to salvage free trade negotiations
Alvaro Uribe, Colombia’s president, is expected to roll up his shirt sleeves in Washington on Wednesday on a high-stakes mission to personally salvage stalled but crucial free trade negotiations with the US.
Govt opens FTA dialogue
Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Somkid Jatusripitak asked academics to keep an open mind on the proposed Thai-US Free Trade Area agreement, saying that the FTA would benefit the two countries equally.
Pakistan, Bangladesh sign 4 memoranda
Pakistan and Bangladesh signed four memoranda of understanding (MoUs) on trade, standardisation and quality control, agriculture and tourism on Monday.
Malaysia: FTAs with Pakistan, Australia & NZ to be completed this year
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) initiatives with Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand are expected to be completed this year, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said Tuesday. She also said that FTA negotiations with the US and India would also begin this year, followed by the launch of a joint feasibility study for a possible FTA between Malaysia and Chile.
US sorghum sold to Morocco for the first time in six years
US sorghum has been sold to Morocco for the first time in six years, a testament that the US-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is working.
EPAs remain roadmap for Africa’s development - EU
The European Union is still insisting that the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) whose implementation it is currently negotiating with four sub-regional groupings in Sub-Saharan Africa remain the only option for Africa’s development.
UAE debate on benefits of FTA rekindled
After almost two years, negotiations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United States over a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) are nearing an end, with the two sides expected to close a deal within a few months. But the debate over the effect of the agreement on the UAE’s economy has recently been reignited.
Trade agreements key strategy for Singapore
Singapore’s attitude toward free-trade agreements makes a sharp contrast with other countries in the region, such as Thailand: where Thailand has seen controversy over its proposed FTA with the United States, Singapore only seems to become more eager with time when it comes to inking FTAs with the rest of the world.
Congresistas colombianos crean grupo opuesto al TLC
Liderados por los opositores partidos Polo Democrático y un sector del Liberal, varios congresistas colombianos crearon hoy un grupo parlamentario opuesto al Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con Estados Unidos.