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Activists Slam Trade Ministry Over EPAs
Civil society organisations and the parliamentarians last week clashed with the trade ministry officials over the signing of an interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) with the European Union.
Tension mounts as S Koreans vow to protest over US beef despite police warning
South Koreans opposing the government’s decision to import most US beef cuts vowed to continue candlelight vigils later Tuesday despite a police warning to stay away from political rallies.
Canada says close to trade deal with Colombia
Canada is "very close" to concluding free trade negotiations with Colombia, Trade Minister David Emerson said on Monday, calling those opposed to the deal on human rights grounds as "dogmatic." Emerson also presented legislation to Parliament to enact a free trade pact with the European Free Trade Association, comprised of Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
India-Asean FTA faces hurdle at Indonesia end
The “last mile” talks on the proposed Free Trade Agreement between India and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) has been further stretched as negotiators from India and Indonesia once again failed to resolve the dispute over their respective increased market access demands.
Africa’s trade unions want EU trade agreements scrapped
Africa’s trade unions called on their governments to nullify the interim trade agreements they have signed with the European Union, saying they leave African nations "weak" within the global market.
SME’s In Asean Need Incentives For Integration
The development and growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) must be given extensive incentives in the integration of Asean economy, said International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
MPs want Uganda out of EAC-EU trade deal
Parliamentarians are pressurising Uganda to revoke the interim trade agreement signed between the European Union and the East African Community.
Beef issue threatens FTA ratification
With the growing concerns about and backlash against the resumption of US beef imports, the Korea-US free trade agreement could fail to get ratification in the 17th National Assembly.
Switzerland moves towards trade agreement with India
Switzerland has moved closer to sealing a free trade agreement with India following a business delegation visit led by Economics Minister Doris Leuthard.
ASEAN committed to free trade pact with Australia, NZ: minister
ASEAN was showing strong commitment to try to wrap up negotiations on a free trade pact between the regional grouping, Australia and New Zealand, Australian Trade Minister Simon Crean said Sunday.
Bahrain & Iran to sign free trade agreement
Bahrain and Iran are a step closer to signing a Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
Ma Ying-jeou proposes signing cross-Strait economic agreement
President-elect Ma Ying-jeou has proposed signing a general cross-Taiwan Strait economic agreement to address cross-Strait economic issues, including investments by Taiwanese financial institutions in China, investments protection, and avoidance of double taxation.
India’s Baroda and Axis Banks’ eye Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan government is forging ahead with the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) which will facilitate the entry here of two Indian banks - Bank of Baroda and Axis Bank, according to senior officials at the Central Bank.
Malaysia has met commitments on tariff elimination
Malaysia has met its commitments on tariff reduction and elimination and opening up the services sector in the Asean region, International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said Sunday.
India, Canada to discuss FTA during Kamal Nath’s visit
India will hold discussion on Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Canada during Union Commerce Minister Kamal Nath’s visit to that country next month.
Bullets and bananas: The violence of free trade in Guatemala
The ongoing violence against workers in Guatemala makes it clear that talk of free trade improving human rights in developing countries is lost in translation.
Thailand swaps gateway with Brazil to regional trade blocks
Thailand and Brazil would swap the role of gateway to Asean and MERCOSUR trade block in the Latin America to boost trade of both sides, Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama said Tuesday.
PM again bats for EPA signed with Europe
Prime Minister Bruce Golding has again sought to allay fears that CARIFORUM countries may have given up more than they will gain from the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union.
Japan dictates the pace of trade talks with Canberra
Australia’s free trade talks with Japan are moving forward on Japanese lines. Four days of talks in Canberra have ended with promising offers on services and investment, and progress in all areas - except agriculture.
S. Koreans protest over US beef safety
Some 10,000 South Koreans gathered in Seoul late Friday to peacefully protest the government’s decision to resume US beef imports, despite outcry over the safety of the product once banned over concersn of mad cow disease.