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India, EU in new bid to clinch free-trade deal
India and the European Union are to hold a fresh series of free-trade talks next month in Brussels in a bid to clinch a deal by the end of the year, an official said.
Thailand-Peru FTA could be sealed next month
The Thai government will propose the Parliament to endorse a bilateral free trade area agreement with Peru next month in order to enhance the effectiveness of trade pacts this year, according to Thai Commerce Minister Porntiva Nakasai.
Sri Lanka told time running out for new trade deal with India
Sri Lanka could lose more opportunities to access India’s huge market owing to delays in striking a new economic partnership deal with her neighbour, the Indian envoy in Colombo has warned.
Lawmakers demand ’major changes’ to US-S.Korea trade deal
More than 100 US lawmakers wrote to President Barack Obama Thursday demanding "major changes" to a landmark free trade agreement with South Korea, which they called a "job killing" pact.
RP to forge more free-trade deals
The Philippines is keen on joining the negotiations for the inter-regional economic integration (TPP) as well as starting informal talks with the European Union for a possible bilateral trade pact, the Trade department said.
EU seized in Vienna
It appears that the EU has dropped its demands for patent extensions and may have made data exclusivity subject to compulsory licensing in the EU-India FTA.
’Developed countries must stop using arm-twisting measures in FTAs’
The European Union is demanding longer patents through free trade agreements (FTAs), longer than demanded by the World Trade Organization.
R-CALF proposes renegotiation of FTAs
R-CALF USA sent a letter to President Obama Tuesday requesting a moratorium on future FTAs and rejection of the pending FTAs with Colombia, Korea and Panama until the impacts current FTAs have on the profitability and viability of US producers is assessed.
Taiwan may try to reach free trade accord with Singapore, negotiator says
“We also hope to sign FTA with countries in South East Asia and even Japan,” Taiwan’s top negotiator with China, Chiang Pin-kung, said.
Le stand de l’UE à la conférence sur le sida "saisi" par des militants défenseurs des génériques
Le stand de la Commission européenne à la Conférence internationale sur le sida à Vienne a été "saisi" symboliquement mercredi par des militants pour protester contre des saisies dans l’UE de médicaments génériques destinés à des pays en développement.
Government agrees to speed up free trade talks with Australia
Indonesia has agreed to speed up the free trade talks with Australia to have the agreement in place soon, Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said today (20/7).
India-Belgium/Luxembourg Bilateral Investment Treaty (1997)
BIT between India and Belgium and Luxembourg PDF of English version
European Commission seeks water services in CETA
We know through a leaked version of an earlier CETA text and verbally from Canada’s negotiating team in Brussels that the European Commission wants access to Canadian water and sanitation services.
EU lawmakers urge probe of Colombian intelligence operations
EU parliamentarians have called on the Commission to look into Colombian intelligence operations in Europe designed to ‘neutralize the influence’ of critics of the Colombian government in parliament, the UNHCR and NGOs. EU officials fear that an investigation could torpedo ratification of the free-trade agreement, which they see as crucial support of Colombia.
When EU talks trade, it receives more than it gives
The reality is that Canada wants CETA more than Europe needs it. Europe recognizes this and will use its leverage to extract a high price.
S.Korea open to "creative" fix for US autos, beef
South Korea is ready to consider "creative" solutions to open its market to more US beef and auto imports to help win US approval of a bilateral free trade agreement, South Korea’s ambassador to the United States said on Wednesday.
Namibia: Meat industry holds breath
The Namibian beef industry has come to terms with the fact that it has to look for alternatives, as there exist no concrete indications that the government will sign the controversial trade agreement with the EU.
Indigenous struggle, ecology, and capitalist resource extraction in Ecuador
Last week, when the presidents of the countries involved in the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) were meeting here in Ecuador, they talked about indigenous rights. But the main representatives of the indigenous movement in the country, CONAIE, was never invited to the meeting.
Guyana has no regrets over holding out on EPA
Two years after 14 Caribbean countries signed a wide-ranging and controversial Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Europe, Guyanese President Bharrat Jagdeo still maintains that his country was right in holding out until the last minute to get a "better deal" for the Caribbean.