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Focus on: TTIP, food & farming

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The major obstacles to the EU-US free trade deal
Topics where EU and US politicians and stakeholders’ interests clash — such as public procurement, data protection, financial services and agricultural issues like geographical indicators and sanitary and phytosanitary measures – will prove the most problematic during talks.
American agriculture, GMOs and Europe
European law firm advises on how US companies should lobby the EU to get doors opened to GMOs
Farming boss: TTIP must not rock the boat
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership the EU and the US are trying to establish is being called the "mother of all bilateral trade agreements", but negotiators must jump the potentially damaging hurdles of GMOs and hormone-raised meat and avoid rocking consumer confidence in either market, says Pekka Pesonen.
Webinar: The promises and perils of proposed US-EU trade deal for food and agriculture
On the occasion the third round of negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Heinrich Boell Foundation and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) invite you to join them for a webinar on the agreement’s potential impacts on agriculture in the US and EU.
Food safety in the EU-US trade agreement: going outside the box
The transantlantic trade deal’s agenda for food safety if all about reducing hoops for agribusiness. Not only would this hurt Europeans, whose clearly higher standards would be dragged down, but it would affect many other countries’ food producers and consumers, since any deal reached between Washington and Brussels will set a new international benchmark.
German farmers fear for Europe’s bacon with US trade deal
When German farmers and activists descended upon Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office building Wednesday morning, they brought along some special guests — 17 pigs. The stunt was the latest European backlash against a proposed free trade deal with the U.S. that could lift restrictions on American meat sold in Europe.
The TTIP: How a new secret ’trade’ treaty could put the world’s biggest firms beyond government control
The US/EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is intended to set global trade rules, bypassing the World Trade Organisation which has up to now allowed developing countries to resist such an agreement.
European Commission announces composition of TTIP expert group
Last Monday the Commission launched a special Advisory Group of experts representing a broad range of interests, from environmental, health, consumer and workers’ interests to different business sectors to provide EU trade negotiators with high quality advice in the areas being negotiated in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks.
EU ready to lift duties on most US goods for trade pact
EU shows it’s keenness for TTIP by offering to lift nearly all tariffs on goods imported from the US.
Give and take in the EU-US trade deal? Sure. We give, the corporations take
George Monbiot asks why businesses have got more access to the negociations than citizens and their representative organisations have and sets down some challenges to the architects of TTIP.