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Focus on: TTIP, food & farming

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Don’t let Americans put hormones and pesticides in our dinner, warns Jamie Oliver as he launches latest food offensive
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is planning a campaign to stop British food standards being lowered to allow American food imports pumped full of pesticides and hormones into the UK under TTIP.
Chlorine chicken: No thank you
There’s strong criticism of the planned free trade agreement TTIP. Europe’s organic farming sector is especially skeptical. Deutsche Welle reports.
TTIP will sacrifice food safety for faster trade, warn NGOs
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will irreversibly put EU consumers and animals at risk, the European Commission will be warned today (28 August).
EU under pressure to allow GM food imports from US and Canada
Britain and other European Union member states are under increasing pressure from North American business groups to open their borders to imports of genetically modified food as part of negotiations for a new Transatlantic trade deal, environmental campaigners have warned.
Suckler cows sector could be hit by EU-US trade agreement, study says
The conclusion of a Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) currently being negotiated between the European Union and the US could have serious adverse consequences for the EU suckler cows sector, European experts claim.
De Gucht rejects claims Commission misrepresented benefits of TTIP
The European Commission has rejected claims it misrepresented the possible economic benefits of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Study: Risks and opportunities for the EU agri-food sector in a possible EU-US trade agreement
TTIP "could lead to major changes in EU legislation, which may undermine the traditional EU precaution and risk management policy on which the current regulatory framework is based" says study prepared for the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.
Assessing regulatory impact of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – analysis
This study considers the likely regulatory impact of the proposed EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in three key policy areas: investor protection, public services and food safety.
La Confédération paysanne occupied Cargill headquarters in France
To denounce the imminent signature of CETA and demand to stop negotiations on TTIP, the Confédération paysanne (2nd largest farmer union in France) occupied yesterday headquarters of Cargill FR, the first food processing multinational in the world.
Trojan horse trade deal could increase GM food and crops in Europe
Fears are growing that the proposed EU-US trade deal (known as TTIP) will lead to food contaminated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) being allowed into Europe for human consumption, despite public reassurances that food safety standards would be maintained