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India - Australia

Moving forward in global trade
Thailand has entered into negotiations for a number of free trade agreements (FTA). Its first FTA was the Asean Free Trade Area, signed in 1992. The country has six FTAs with India, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Peru and Chile.
Agriculture Minister heads to India to resolve pulse tariff dispute, but warns ’megaphone diplomacy’ won’t work
Australia’s Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud will travel to India in an attempt to resolve a dispute over tariffs on Australian chickpeas and lentils.
RCEP In India: A creamy deal for transnational dairy corporations, growing resistance from farmers
The Modi governmentmust stop the RCEP from destroying rural livelihoods.
RCEP meeting in September likely to discuss India’s proposal on services pact
India has made a counter-proposal to make the bilateral services agreement between Australia and New Zealand the basis of the services agreement under RCEP
RCEP will undo the gains of food self-sufficiency built so assiduously over the decades
International trade negotiations currently underway hold a big threat to the future of Indian agriculture
India’s ‘protectionist bent’ for agricultural products delaying FTA: Australia
“At this point in time, I’m not seeing a willingness from India that would reflect a desire to achieve an FTA,” Australian minister Steve Ciobo says
Indian farmers’ debt wipe demands show why free trade deal with Australia is unlikely
When Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visited India two months ago, he made much of reviving stalled free trade talks — but developments in India this week show the prospects of eventual success are remote at best.
Aus, NZ trying to corner India in Oceania
One of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s most insightful, if low key, foreign policy initiatives was to work to deepen relations with more than a dozen island nations of Oceania.
Australia’s 457 visa decision likely to hit free-trade talks with India, officials hint
The Australian government’s decision to scrap a working visa used primarily by Indians is likely to set back efforts to secure a free-trade agreement between the two countries.
Having a good look at proposed FTA with India: Australia
Australian trade minister said India’s asking goes well beyond anything that Australia has done, in terms of any FTAs put in place, and Australia is not willing to go to that extent.
Australia and India keen on timely conclusion of RCEP
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Australian counterpart Malcom Turnbull, the two countries expressed their keenness to secure a timely conclusion of a high-quality RCEP
Lessons from India on migration’s role in trade policy
India-Australia FTA talks stall over agriculture and migration.
Australian PM, in India, pushes bilateral, regional trade agenda
India and Australia agreed to revive stalled talks on a bilateral trade deal but chances of an early breakthrough were slim.
Free trade pact off Australia PM Turnbull’s agenda
India and Australia will not sign the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement during the visit of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
Reflections on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) round in Jakarta by Jane Kelsey
Reflections on the 16th RCEP negotiations in Indonesia
RCEP: Impasse at Indonesia talks may put more pressure on India
Round in Indonesia fails to generate breakthrough in final numbers
Australia continues to actively pursue FTA with India
Despite a flurry of media reports suggesting a serious rethink, Australia continues to actively pursue the finalisation of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India.
FTA negotiations with India complicated: Australia
Describing the ongoing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations with India as "complicated", Australian Trade Minister Steve Ciobo indicated that the deal was now not a top priority for his government in the short term.
Trade talks that could milk India dry
The proposed shift in India’s RCEP strategy could hurt the country’s 75 million small dairy producing households
Australia-India free trade pact at an advanced stage: Australian envoy
Talks on an India-Australia free trade agreement are in an advanced stage, but Australia is currently unable to commit on a timeline for its finalisation owing to the forthcoming federal elections