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Philip Morris loses case against Australia’s tobacco plain packaging law
Cigarette company Philip Morris has suffered another defeat in its long-running bid to overturn Australia’s plain packaging laws.
Govt to forgo $4.2b in China tariffs
The China free trade agreement will sap $4.2 billion from federal government tariff revenues.
PACER-Plus renders weak protections for Pacific businesses
PACER-Plus is shaping up as an agreement that won’t fit into the Pacific reality, will have weak protections for Pacific businesses and undermines the ability of governments to enact policies to support and nurture vital Pacific industries.
New Zealand, Australia ready to accelerate trade talks with the EU, ditch ISDS
The EU has agreed to launch negotiations with New Zealand and Australia. The two countries are ready to speed up talks, and reach a deal in a reasonable timeframe.
PACER Plus bad for business
New brief says Regional trade agreement bad for business.
ISDS in ChAFTA - where’s the beef?
A guide to ISDS in the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: A hollow promise or an answer to ISDS’ critics?
Sugar socialism could breach free trade agreements
The forced re-regulation of Queensland’s $2 billion sugar industry could breach international trade agreements and threaten foreign investment, Queensland Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said.
Why is Philip Morris International Inc. suing these countries?
Philip Morris is dragging countries with tight tobacco regulations into costly legal battles.
Worried about the TPP? Australia is pushing another bad deal
Despite receiving little attention in Australia, efforts to establish a new regional trade agreement are raising eyebrows among Pacific neighbours
EU to launch trade talks with Australia and Philippines
The EU and Australia have agreed to launch negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA) during the margins of the G20 summit in Turkey, whilst the Council gave the go-ahead for negotiations to start on an FTA with the Philippines.
TPP’s clauses that let Australia be sued are weapons of legal destruction, says lawyer
Leading arbitration lawyer says there are critical loopholes in the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s investment chapter that leave Australia wide open
Trans-Pacific Partnership: read the side letters not just the headlines
Australia has entered a wide range of bilateral agreements with countries around the Pacific in a web of special deals which underline the complexity of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Food giant Metcash targets China’s middle class in online push
Australia’s largest food and liquor wholesaler is looking to Chinese middle-class shoppers to boost its fortunes, setting up space in one of China’s largest online shopping malls as part of a broader push into a huge market that is increasingly infatuated with Australia brands and produce.
ChAFTA - Opposition et gouvernement ont trouvé un accord sur le traité sino-australien
L’opposition travailliste a trouvé un accord avec le gouvernement sur le China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, après des concessions du Ministre du Commerce sur la régulation de l’immigration créée par ce traité.
Labor finally approves China-Australia free trade agreement
The China-Australia free trade agreement will come into force before the end of the year after a compromise deal was finally struck between the federal government and opposition.
Fiji will not change its stance
Agreement must be development-centered
Trans-Pacific Partnership: we’re selling economic sovereignty for little return
Part of the cost of free trade deals is standardisation – in this case it means adopting US practices.
Coalition expects to cut deal with Labor over China trade agreement
Canada has an ISDS clause with the US. It has faced 35 challenges. Is this Australia’s future?
Up until now, Australia has never agreed to provide American investors with access to Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), whereas Canada has. In total Canada has faced 35 challenges. Australia has been subjected to only one case.
Legal experts weigh in on TPP
Law firms are among the many Australian businesses likely to benefit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.