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food safety | SPS

food safety | sanitary and phytosanitary standards

Chicken safety fear as chlorine washing fails bacteria tests
British microbiologists find that American technique at heart of Brexit trade row does not kill listeria and salmonella
Scots call for halt to EU’s Mercosur trade talks
Scottish farm leaders have urged the European Commission to postpone its “reckless” trade negotiations with the Mercosur block of South American countries because of fears over the damage it could inflict on the beef sector.
Costly medicines and pus in milk: a Brexit trade deal that’ll make you sick
The US trade barriers list shows that Liam Fox could let more than just chlorinated chicken into the UK. The public deserve to know the details
Progress made on biotech during seventh NAFTA round
Negotiators closed the chapter on good regulatory practices, the sixth chapter to be completed. They have also finished on the sanitary-phytosanitary measures chapter. All three countries also agreed to establish a formal energy chapter.
CETA: Secret committee on pesticides meets in Ottawa on March 26–27
Leaked EU documents reveal a secret committee will begin discussions on how to weaken norms on pesticides and food quality standards.
US concerned over Taiwan’s meat import ban, wants its removal
This refers to Taiwan’s "zero tolerance" policy on US pork imports that contain a leanness-enhancing drug known as ractopamine
Red tape in the meat industry? It’s the difference between life and death
Without regulations that scrutinise food standards and trade deals, we cannot trust the safety of the food on our plates.
’Dirty meat’: Shocking hygiene failings discovered in US pig and chicken plants
Previously unseen government records detail ‘deeply worrying’ incidents in pork and poultry plants, raising fears of ‘dirty meat’ entering the UK under a post-Brexit trade deal.
Resist a US trade deal. Your life may depend on it
We cannot trust our government to fight America’s disgusting farming practices. Unless we mobilise, US livestock pumped full of antibiotics will harm us all.
CETA, regulatory cooperation and food safety
Agricultural and food standards are among those targeted by CETA’s focus on eliminating so-called ‘non-tariff barriers’.
EU-Mercosur association agreement: The SPS and sustainability chapters in the Uruguay leaks
Similar to the July 2017 draft of the Mercosur agreement, the November 2017 version only contains one single reference to the precautionary principle
Bacon with banned additive among risks of US-UK trade deal
Soil Association issues top 10 food safety concerns posed by a transatlantic free-trade deal.
US urges UK to cut EU rules after Brexit to boost trade
US trade official says it is ‘difficult’ to do business with EU and Brexit offers chance to press the ‘reset button’.
US and Australia meet to review bilateral FTA
Officials from the United States and Australia held a meeting of the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement Joint Committee to review the implementation of the FTA.
UK demands secrecy in Brexit trade talks with US
The British Government has demanded total secrecy in its free trade talks with the US for a post-Brexit deal.
Gove: UK would not compromise with US on food standards
Environment secretary sets up possible clash in future US trade talks over retaining EU regulations post-Brexit.
EU-Mercosur FTA: draft chapters (July 2017)
8 draft chapters, as leaked by Greenpeace
Research on the impacts of the EU-Mercosur trade negotiations
Analysis of draft texts, especially the chapters on goods, SPS, TBT and government procurement.