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labour | workers’ rights

Workers say NAFTA’s neoliberal foundations need to be dismantled from the left—not the right
Rejecting both economic nationalism and free-market fundamentalism, workers across North America are building transnational solidarity and demanding labor rights for all.
Being a trade unionist in Guatemala will get you killed
A chapter on labor issues within CAFTA was to provide an improved environment for labor rights. But the Guatemalan state has consistently failed to implement these protections.
Push for Australia to open its doors to Indonesian workers under free trade deal
Indonesia is pushing for Australia to open its doors to more Indonesian workers - such as nurses and cooks - as well as removing tariffs on textiles as free trade negotiations between the two countries enter the final month.
New free trade agreements: normalising brutal transnational supply chains
Transnational supply chains have been an expanding economic actor since transnational corporations began outsourcing manufacturing to places where extremely low wages, low or non-existing labour safety standards and even slave labour prevailed or were tolerated.
Canada pushes inclusion of strong, progressive labour standards in NAFTA
Canada is pushing for the inclusion of enforceable, progressive labour standards in a rewritten North American Free Trade Agreement.
Without US, 11 nations in TPP inch closer to a deal
Negotiators met for two days in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, to discuss what parts of the original deal they wished to shelve.
Ingersol plant a crown jewel for GM, but deal with Unifor challenging amid NAFTA talks
“This is one of the most productive plants in the world, and it’s losing out because they pay their workers $2 an hour in Mexico. It’s ridiculous,” Unifor president Jerry Dias said.
India’s push to ease worker-movement norms may turn counterproductive
India’s push to ease norms on movement of skilled workers across borders could turn out to be counterproductive
NAFTA renegotiation: Will working people continue to get shafted?
Interview with Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizens Global Trade Watch, and Gisela Perez, lawyer and journalist who works at NGO Derechos Digitales and is a spokesperson of the coalition "Mexico Against NAFTA", composed of more than 30 civil society organizations and trade unions.
Freeland to press for new labour, environmental sections within NAFTA
Chrystia Freeland will push for additional labour and environmental sections when she shares broad strokes of Canada’s goals for the upcoming NAFTA talks.
An issue for upcoming NAFTA talks: Getting Mexicans a pay raise
The cost of Mexican labour will be an issue in the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, participants acknowledged at an auto-industry conference, touching on one of the key sectors up for discussion.
Protests commence before global ASEAN meet
Meet witnesses fiery speeches from grassroots workers.
TiSA - Foul play
One of the world’s leading trade lawyers has written this report for UNI on the implications of TiSA on workers, democracy and UNIs sectors. The conclusions point in 1 direction: TiSA must be stopped!
Unifor-UAW statement on auto and the re-negotiation of NAFTA
It’s essential for auto workers in the United States and Canada to not be persuaded by those who wish to portray Mexican auto workers as the problem. Workers in every country have the right to to seek a higher standard of living.
Campaign reveals TiSA threat to jobs and rights
A new campaign to be launched by the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) reveals the threat to jobs and workers’ rights posed by the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).
NZ’s latest trade courtship is an insult to workers’ rights – and workers’ lives
By plunging into negotiations with Latin American countries in the Pacific Alliance, New Zealand maintains its shameful record of failing to hold partners to account on labour abuses.
After nine years, arbitrators bounce AFL-CIO complaint on Guatemala labor conditions
“The panel’s decision flies in the face of common sense. Guatemala’s failure to protect its workers and enforce its own laws is apparent to nearly everyone except the arbitrators.”
Guatemala off the hook in CAFTA labor case
The U.S., for the most part, lost its first challenge of another country’s adherence to the labor rules under a trade deal.
ETUC resolution for an EU progressive trade and investment policy
The European Trade Union Confederation calls for a progressive European trade and investment policy with at its core the creation of decent jobs, the protection of fundamental rights and the interests of workers.
Ten principles for trade
The current global trade and investment regime imposes high social and environmental costs on people and planet.