An attempted assassination, criminalization, and violent eviction in 2014 didn’t stop the Peaceful Resistance of La Puya in Guatemala, which won legal action suspending harmful mining activities.
The American Prospect
An improbable victory in El Salvador offers lessons for grassroots activists worldwide.
The hard work of protecting water and land from the long-term harms associated with gold and silver mining takes place daily on the frontlines of tenacious struggles throughout Latin America and around the world.
Buenos Aires Times
French water and waste management company receives compensation from the government, settling one of its legal disputes with country dating back to Néstor Kirchner’s presidency.
The Jakarta Post
Trade agreements like the RCEP are designed to make it easier for foreign multinational corporations to invest and do business. In doing so, they put the rights of citizens and workers second to profits.
People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
China has been receiving flak for its conditional investments and loans that are resulting in land and resource grabbing in Asia and Africa.
Radio Mundo Real
Criminal charges pending against 18 community leaders and a billion-dollar court case at ICSID.
New York Times
Nafta is all about high-intensive-labor crops. Water extraction increased exponentially. Every year, farms bore farther into the aquifer, and scientists warn that they are reaching tainted water that is contaminated with arsenic and fluoride which is causing great harm.