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China actively seeks bilateral trade and investment deals outside of the World Trade Organisation. The government has put priority on forging agreements with neighbouring countries of Asia, but also many other countries on whom it relies for minerals, energy, food, infrastructure or geopolitical support.

Beijing has signed bilateral trade agreements with ASEAN (2002), Hong Kong (2002), Macau (2003), Thailand (2003), Niger (2005), Chile (2006), Pakistan (2006), New Zealand (2008), Peru (2008), Singapore (2008), Costa Rica (2010), Taiwan (2010), Switzerland (2013), Iceland (2014), Australia (2015), Korea (2015), Georgia (2017), Maldives (2017) and the Eurasian Economic Union (2018). China is also a party to 127 bilateral investment treaties.

China is currently in bilateral negotiations with the European Union (investment), the Gulf Cooperation Council, Israel, Mauritius, Moldova, New Zealand (to upgrade the current agreement), Norway, Pakistan (upgrade), Singapore (upgrade), the Southern African Customs Union and Sri Lanka, as well as with Japan and Korea for a possible a three-way deal. Further down the horizon, there is talk of eventual negotiations with Canada, Chile (upgrade), Colombia, Fiji, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Palestine, Panama, Peru (upgrade), Switzerland (upgrade) and Uruguay.

Regionally, China has proposed a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, an initiative that would encompass the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation nations, in direct rivalry with US-led projects like the Trans-Pacific Partnership. But that intitiative is currently on hold.

China is currently part of the talks on a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). RCEP is a mega-regional trade agreement proposed by the Association of South East Asian Nations with its FTA partners : China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand.

If concluded, it would give Chinese corporations market access to India — in goods, services and investment — that it does not have through its own FTAs.

China also sees RCEP as a key element of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an infrastructure project meant to link Asia with Europe, passing through Africa, and with an extension to Latin America.

China is also using the BRI to push more countries to sign free trade agreements to consolidate the trade and investment leverage that the project opens up.

last update: June 2018
photo: Eddie / CC BY-ND 2.0

China, Switzerland to start talks for FTA upgrade ASAP
China and Switzerland signed a memorandum of understanding and agreed to officially start negotiations for the upgrade of the Sino-Swiss free trade agreement as soon as possible, according to Chinese Ministry of Commerce.
China-Serbia free trade agreement to take effect on July 1
The free trade agreement between China and Serbia will go into effect on July 1 as both countries have completed respective domestic approval processes.
China eyes Bahrain for free-trade deal; visa waivers possible
China is exploring the possibility of signing a separate Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Bahrain while continuing its efforts to finalise a comprehensive FTA with the entire Gulf Cooperation Council.
China-Serbia free trade deal to take effect in July
President Xi Jinping said that a free trade agreement between China and Serbia will take effect on July 1.
Aspects of NZ-China FTA up for renegotiation
New Zealand is set to begin renegotiating its free trade agreement with China, focusing on further liberalizing services trade. While seeking deeper trade ties with China, New Zealand also aims to maintain security partnerships with traditional allies like Australia and the US.
China-Ecuador free trade agreement effective from May 1: MOFCOM
The free trade agreement (FTA) between China and Ecuador will be effective from May 1, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on Monday, aiming to further unleash the potential of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries.
China rolls out cross-border trade in services negative lists
China has rolled out national and pilot free trade zone versions of negative lists for cross-border trade in services to boost opening up, the Ministry of Commerce announced.
GCC, Turkey launch talks on free trade agreement
Turkey and the Gulf Cooperation Council have signed a deal to begin formal negotiations for a free trade agreement, Turkish Trade Minister Omer Bolat announced, as Ankara looks to boost economic ties in the Middle East.
China, Honduras hold 4th round of FTA negotiations
The fourth round of negotiations on the China-Honduras Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was held in Beijing from Tuesday to Thursday, the Ministry of Commerce said.
China’s FTA partners reach 29: govt data
China has signed free trade agreements with 29 countries and regions. According to government data, the trade value between China and these partners accounts for about a third of the nation’s total foreign trade value.


  • Belt and Road Initiative and human rights
    FIDH’s webpage that aims to collect and share information regarding the human rights and environmental impacts of China’s Belt and Road Initiative projects in recipient countries across Asia.
  • China FTA Network
    Official website on China’s FTAs, maintained by MOFCOM