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intellectual property

USTR proposal in TPP would undermine state sovereign immunity for patents, copyrights
TPP would violate the right of US states to protection from suit for patent, trademark or copyright infringement
Don’t trade away our lives, urge folk with HIV/Aids
As the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) enter what could be its last round, we as people living with HIV/Aids (PLHIV), urge the Malaysian government not to trade away our lives.
9 ways the TPP is bad for developing countries
Oone issue that has received comparatively little attention is how the Trans-Pacific Partnership is likely to impact the developing countries slated to join.
WHO warns govt about risks of FTAs
Experts say the government should carefully consider before signing free-trade agreements (FTA) - as people could be hurt by deals that prolong drug patents and restrict information about medicine.
New leaked TPP chapter shows countries converging on anti-user copyright takedown rules
A draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s "Intellectual Property" chapter from May 11, 2015 has recently been leaked to journalists and contains significant change on intermediary liability rules compared to previous leaks.
Editorial: New Zealand must tread carefully on Trans Pacific Partnership
New Zealand needs to be ready to walk away from the Trans Pacific Partnership, says The Domion Post, worried about the impact of its drug patenting rules and investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.
Leaked: What’s in Obama’s trade deal
A recent draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal would give US pharmaceutical firms unprecedented protections against competition from cheaper generic drugs, possibly transcending the patent protections in US law.
Pressure intensifies on India over software and pharma patent protection in key Asian trade negotiations
Recently leaked documents show that India’s policies on software and pharmaceutical patents are firmly on the RCEP agenda.
Trade deal widens health care gap
NZ is heading towards a two-tier health system, and it could get a whole lot worse, writes George Laking.
Civil Society raises major concerns on India’s engagement with the massive RCEP trade deal
As the eighth round of negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement take place in Kyoto, Japan this week, farmer’s groups, trade unions, civil society and patient groups are urging the Indian Government to halt the negotiations, make the negotiating texts public and hold consultations with all the relevant stakeholders, in light of the potential negative impact this agreement could have on access to medicines, livelihood of farmers, quality public services and overall social and economic development of the country.
WikiLeaks publishes healthcare annex to "transparency" chapter of TPP
On Wednesday 10 June 2015, WikiLeaks published the Healthcare Annex to the secret draft "Transparency" Chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), along with each country’s negotiating position.
What does the TPP do as regards prices of drugs and other medical technologies?
Two-page summary of the main provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) that will lead to higher prices for drugs and other medical technologies.
Meet RCEP, a trade agreement in Asia that’s even worse than TPP or ACTA
It’s been a big few weeks for leaked trade agreements. Just when we thought we had seen all the leaked text of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), Wikileaks went ahead and published some more yesterday. And on the same day, a leaked draft of the intellectual property chapter of yet another trade agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was leaked by Knowledge Ecology International (KEI).
RCEP - draft IP text from Japan (2014)
as leaked by KEI on 10 Feb 2015
RCEP - draft IP text from Korea (Oct 2014)
As leaked by KEI on 3 June 2015
Intellectual property issues viewed as last TPP hurdle
Trade negotiators for the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement in Guam are now focusing on intellectual property issues, which appear likely to be the last hurdle to concluding the talks.
TPP denounced in Peru as US-led negotiations end
On Monday, a coalition of Peruvian civil society organizations issued a strong warning as negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership treaty (TPP) come to an end.
A major AIDS research groups says the TPP will make it harder to fight AIDS
A new report from the prominent AIDS research group amfAR says that the Trans-Pacific Partnership would hamper the global fight against AIDS (and other diseases) in a way that would ultimately cost lives.
Greece wants changes to EU-Canada trade deal to protect "feta" name
Athens will not back a multi-billion dollar trade pact between Canada and the European Union unless the deal is changed to specify that only Greece can use the term "feta" for its salty white cheese, according to a document seen by Reuters.
Narendra Modi goes to Europe
Can an FTA with EU really help India counter the TPP and TTIP impact or would it – if not treated with caution – further trap India into strict IP regimes and undue market access wherein India is expected to completely open up while Europe continues with its protectionist measures?