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Why Trump is right, and wrong, about killing off the TPP
Trump tells a half truth about why the TPP is a bad deal
Arbitration panel formed for hearing $12 bln claim lodged by tycoon Pugachev
The Permanent Court of Arbitration has formed a panel of arbitrators for considering a claim filed by Sergey Pugachev seeking $12 billion in damages
New leaks confirm TiSA proposals that would undermine civil liberties
New leaked documents concerning the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) have been published.
TiSA - draft annex on telecommunications services (November 2016)
As leaked by Netzpolitik & Greenpeace
Embedding human rights into corporate tax planning
The exploitation of loopholes has become the favorite play of an organized tax avoidance industry.
The Donald Trump effect: India faces prospect of integrating deeper with Asia-Pacific if RCEP expands into FTAAP
As a major non-APEC member of the RCEP, India faces the prospect of integrating deeper with the Asia-Pacific if the RCEP expands into the FTAAP
EU concerned as India won’t renew investment pact with Netherlands
India will not renew an investment treaty with the Netherlands that will expire on November 30 as part of its plan to rework all similar pacts it signed with other countries.
China says it will promote trade deals regardless of TPP, RCEP direction
China said it will actively participate in bilateral and multilateral trade deals regardless of the direction the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) or the China-backed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Asean integration at the end of 2016
The launch of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in December 2015 was a milestone for Asean economic integration, which is, however, an ongoing process.
Parliament rejects motion to check CETA’s legality
The mainstream parties in the European Parliament have rejected by a large majority a motion initiated by 89 MEPs to submit the EU-Canada trade agreement to the Court of Justice to check its compatibility with EU law.
French court unfreezes assets of three Russian enterprises over Yukos case
The Court of Appeal in Paris ruled to lift a freeze on assets of Russian Satellite Communications Company and RIA Novosti news agency.
As Trump kills TPP, China eyes December talks to fill trade void
The proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, has become the next best hope for trade-hungry Asian nations
The impacts of FTAs on Colombian workers
Summary of the impacts of FTAs, analyzed by the FTA Observatory
TiSA negotiations fall victim to the Trump tremor
In these quixotic and post-truth times, nemesis has its subtle ways of catching up with the reality.
Singapore to amend legislation to bring TPP into effect by next year: PM Lee
Singapore will continue with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) despite a “twist in the road”
China, Chile agree to initiate talks on FTA upgrade
China and Chile agreed here Tuesday to start negotiation on upgrading their Free Trade Agreement
Japan, Peru to forge ahead with TPP procedures
The leaders of Japan and Peru have agreed to press ahead with efforts to implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership, despite a pledge by President-elect Donald Trump to pull the US out of the free trade deal.
A new, climate-friendly approach to trade
We urgently need a new approach to trade that prioritizes the needs of people and planet.
China, Peru to look at updating FTA
China and Peru on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding in Lima to conduct a feasibility study on upgrading the China-Peru Free Trade Agreement.
5th round of Pak-Thailand FTA negotiations held
The fifth round of Pakistan-Thailand Free Trade Agreement negotiations was held in Bangkok.