Vancouver Island Free Daily
Change brings Canada into compliance with commitment made under North American free trade deal.
The Globe and Mail
Trudeau said Canadians will not sign onto a deal that does not include a dispute resolution mechanism and exemptions for cultural industries.
Creative Commons
While it’s positive that at least the parties are coming to the conclusion to forego the gratuitous copyright term extension, most of the changes in the consolidated text show a continued tightening of copyright protections that favor incumbent rights holders at the expense of users and the commons.
Creative Commons
The EU-Mercosur FTA is expansive, addressing trade in industrial and agricultural goods as well as intellectual property provisions such as copyrights and patents.
Huffington Post
Artists Against TTIP wants to work with actors, writers and directors to make films that help more and more people understand what TTIP is - and how toxic it is to our health, our environment and our democracy.