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The obscure treaty that could kill a global green recovery
The Energy Charter Treaty, with 53 signatories, allows energy companies to sue states that make their business unprofitable.
Corporations to sue states for pandemic billions
Corporations are busy weaponising obscure legal instruments to sue government for their actions to save lives and jobs during the coronavirus crisis.
World’s biggest trade deal in trouble over EU anger at Brazil deforestation
The European Union-Mercosur free trade agreement faces growing opposition from European national governments, EU parliamentarians, and non-profit organizations, in addition to Latin American entities, putting its ratification at risk.
EU must end investment protection in the fossil sector
The Energy Charter Treaty, which dates back to the 1990s, severely restricts Europe’s ability to change regulations in the energy sector, with many EU member states facing court actions worth billions of euros, write a group of MEPs.
EU-Mercosur deal will have devastating impact on climate, NGOs warn
While the agreement still has to be approved by the European Parliament and Council, farmers and environmental NGOs remain disappointed.
Countries serious about climate change should leave the Energy Charter Treaty, says former ECT official
Interview with Yamina Saheb, former head of unit in the Energy Charter Treaty Secretariat .
New NAFTA trade deal deepens oil and gas dependency during climate crisis
The deal provides loopholes for oil, gas, and mining companies to operate across borders, and paves the way for US companies to export even more fracked natural gas across the border into Mexico.
Planned EU trade deal with Mercosur threatens climate, environmental protection and human rights
The agreement could have serious ecological and human rights repercussions, new study warns.
The environmental bias of trade policy
Most countries have implicitly created a carbon subsidy in trade policy. Using trade policy negotiations to decrease this environmental bias of trade policy could help address climate change.
Anchoring climate and environmental protection in EU trade agreements
How trade agreements could contribute to a more sustainable world economy.
Companies sue states for ­ climate-protection measures
On the basis of the Energy Charter Treaty, companies are suing countries for damages when the latter decide to phase out or limit the use of fossil fuels.
The true cost of the EU-Mercosur trade deal
The EU-Mercosur trade deal comes at a tremendous expense for people and the planet. Dire consequences are looming both on regional and global levels.
Coal generator uses investment treaty to fight Netherlands coal phaseout
Uniper is using a controversial investor dispute system to claim up to €1 billion compensation for being forced to close a coal power station early.
Farmers urge UK government to protect food standards in post-Brexit trade bill
Union and consumer groups warn post-Brexit trade policy must hold food imports to same standards as UK.
The unknown climate-killer deal we’ll have to tackle next
The Energy Charter Treaty takes an axe to climate action.
Risky business: Uniper’s potential investor-state dispute against the Dutch coal ban
While policies aiming to phase out coal are necessary to tackle climate change, they may give rise to legal claims from companies whose investments are adversely affected by the low-carbon energy transition.
US-UK trade deal: Four things you might have missed, from food standards to climate commitments
The government has not ruled out imports of US agricultural products made to lower standards than in the UK.
Climate change poses risk to Africa’s free trade area: UN official
The recently-launched Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement faces climate change risks that could prevent the continent from gaining maximum trade benefits from the agreement.
The EU-Indonesia FTA sustainable impact assessment report and why it is so hard to find
The sustainable impact assessment report of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Indonesia is not easy to find. Yet some of its findings are quite worrying.
US energy secretary hopes Mexico, Canada will help export American coal
Canada and Mexico could help export US coal to Asia via USMCA to get around the blocking of shipments by West Coast states, US Energy Secretary said.