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Connecting trade and climate chaos
We must call for an end to the deregulatory ‘free trade’ and tax policies that make practices like re-importation and redundant trade profitable.
Global climate laws threatened by rise in investor-state disputes
A global rise in investor lawsuits against nation-sates is putting climate protection laws under threat, activists warn.
Nord Stream 2 sues EU using ISDS
The company building the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea today sued the European Union over new gas rules it says are threatening its investments in the project.
Trade and investment treaties aggravate the climate crisis
The campaign ‘No to trade and investment treaties’ has called on citizens to join the mobilizations planned for next September 27 in the different cities of Spain.
EU to push Australia to clean up petrol standards as part of free trade deal
The European Union wants Australia’s Paris climate commitments enshrined in new FTA.
Canada will continue trade negotiations with Mercosur, despite the current Amazon policy of Brazil
Canada will continue its trade negotiations with Mercosur, the South American trading bloc that includes Brazil, despite demands to call a halt to the talks until more action is taken to protect the Amazon rainforest.
Slovakia reportedly ready to block the deal between the EU and Latin America
Agriculture Minister Gabriela Matečná said Brazil’s approach to the Amazon fires is unacceptable.
Lux blocks Mercosur trade deal over Amazon fires
Luxembourg has joined a small number of countries to oppose signing of the Mercosur agreement in a bid to curb massive burning of the Amazon rainforest.
EU ambassador says Mercosur trade deal unaffected by Amazon wildfires
The trade deal between Europe and the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) provides a clear commitment to the Paris Agreement in combatting climate change, the new EU ambassador in Brasilia said.
EU vs. Indonesia: Is it really a trade war?
The European Union has slapped countervailing tariffs on imports of subsidized biodiesel from Indonesia. The southeast Asian country has threatened to retaliate but experts say counter tariffs could be self-destructive.
EU-Vietnam trade deal shows EU will bend human rights standards if the price is right
The new EU-Vietnam free trade agreement (FTA) shows the EU will look past human rights violations to push a trade agenda. But as FTAs with ASEAN states don’t offer the EU the same economic benefits, it’s unlikely the bloc will pen more in the near future.
UN warned corporate courts could thwart climate efforts
Campaigners are urging reform of an obscure system that allows coal, oil and gas companies to sue governments if climate policies hit their profits.
Connecting the dots: Insane trade and climate chaos
The connection between global trade and the climate crisis is clear. Much of global trade is unnecessary and wasteful - and yet, somehow, it continues to be profitable.
UN reform needed to stop companies fighting climate rules: Nobel laureate Stiglitz
Multinational companies will increasingly file massive cases against host countries when climate change policies affect their profits, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said.
Climate change, CAFTA and forced migration
Climate change and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) have destabilized the economies and lives of many in Central America and are driving migration.
Pressure mounts on EU to curb Brazilian deforestation, human rights abuses
A new report by more than 20 NGOs is calling on the EU to include provisions in trade agreements now under negotiation, such as the EU/MERCOSOR agreement, that would fully protect forests and indigenous rights.
Trade pact with Europe could be hurt by climate action infighting: McKenna
Canadian dithering about climate action could put France’s support for the Canada-Europe free trade agreement at risk, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says.
How trade agreements stand in the way of an international green new deal
To reduce emissions abroad, the US must renegotiate its trade agreements.
Experts warn: As G-20 tariffs drop, carbon emissions skyrocket
Tariff reductions by G-20 countries will sharply increase global carbon dioxide emissions. The lowering of tariffs through trade agreements has facilitated this offshoring of emissions.
France to vote no to trade talks between US and Europe
France will vote against the start of trade talks between the European Union and the United States, the French presidency has said, despite EU members agreeing in principle to begin the discussions.