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How the Amazon rainforest at risk because of an EU trade deal – Dr Richard Dixon
Trade deals with the EU are very topical just now but it is not a possible Brexit trade deal but a deal between the EU and four South American countries which concerns our international colleagues most.
EU seeks Amazon protections pledge from Bolsonaro in push to ratify trade deal
Brazilian president’s stance on deforestation remains stumbling block for South America agreement
The secret tribunal
Expert Marcos Orellana walks us through the shadowy arbitration system, the Chevron case in particular, and what it all means for global climate action.
Environmental impacts of free trade deal with Brazil ignored by review, advocates say
A federal environmental assessment of a proposed trade deal between Canada and the Mercosur countries ignores major environmental and human rights violations in Brazil, environmental advocates say.
EU parks trade deal with Mercosur over environmental concerns
As European nations express environmental concerns, the ratification of the EU-Mercosur trade deal isn’t even close to starting.
EU-Mercosur: leaked treaty has no climate protection, undermines democracy
International agreements must have the protection of people and nature at their core, not as a ‘nice-to-have’ – this deal doesn’t measure up and must be scrapped.
EU-Mercosur mythbuster
We’ve made this mythbuster to unpick powerful economic interests’ spin on this toxic deal.
Key international legal measures risk making the cost of green energy shift skyrocket
A complex set of international legal measures protecting the fossil fuel industry risks significantly increasing the cost of moving to green energy and tackling climate change, a new report reveals.
Burning Amazonia: A global corporate crime
The Mercosur-EU free trade agreement is set to intensify trends of territorial expansion, will contribute to the climate crisis, and will directly impact the rights, territories and ways of life of Amazon peoples.
Luxembourg opposes the draft EU-Mercosur agreement
The Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it "will not be able to give its support" to the signing of the EU-Mercosur agreement, asking for "additional commitments in the fight against climate change and deforestation.
Time is ticking to stop the EU-Mercosur trade deal
For the EU Commission to remain steadfast in supporting this deal, whilst simultaneously tabling an increase of the EU’s 2030 climate target, is entirely contradictory.
Beyond the Bolsonaro policy, it is the very content of the EU-Mercosur agreement that promises an environmental disaster
The commission of experts has spoken: an annual increase in deforestation of 25% for 6 years, facilitated entry into the European market of foodstuffs produced with pesticides banned in the EU, risk of weakening European environmental and health standards.
Energy companies keep right to sue states in private courts, as treaty reforms blocked
Negotiators have ruled out an overhaul of private courts that allow energy companies to sue national governments when climate change policies hurt their profits.
Mercosur agreement a “direct contradiction” to European Green Deal
The proposed EU-Mercosur trade agreement is a “direct contradiction” to the goals of the European Green Deal, according to a new study.
Poll: Vast majority of Europeans opposed to EU-Mercosur trade deal
Consumer group SumOfUs urges the EU to call off its free trade agreement with Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in the face of Amazon rainforest fires.
Amazon, Bolsonaro, cattle: the ABC’s of destruction
The Amazon is under attack but the Canadian government plans to continue negotiating a Canada-Mercosur free trade agreement with Brazil. But you can do something about it.
‘Obsolete’ Energy Charter Treaty must be reformed or ditched, lawmakers say
The 1991 Energy Charter Treaty must be profoundly overhauled in order to remove all “obsolete” provisions protecting fossil fuel investments and hindering climate action, lawmakers from across Europe said.
Japan blocks green reform of major energy investment treaty
The Japanese government is blocking reform of a treaty that allows energy companies to sue nation states when climate policies affect their profits.
How the little-known Energy Charter Treaty is holding environmental policy hostage
Is it possible to take urgently needed action on climate change while simultaneously protecting the fossil fuel industry, the very cause of climate imbalance?
Green NGOs demand EU dumps controversial energy treaty
Green groups have renewed their demand for the EU and member states to jointly withdraw from the controversial Energy Charter Treaty (ECT).