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PH wants agri products included in European free trade pact
The Philippines is negotiating for the inclusion of processed tropical fruits and durable fresh products as part of the ongoing negotiations for a free trade agreement with the European Free Trade Association. EFTA, in turn, wants zero tariff market access for fish.
India, EU to resume talks on FTA on 28 August
When talks resume, lack of clarity on domestic laws regarding bilateral investment treaty (BIT) and government procurement law may delay the progress in negotiations.
Statement by Bechtel on Dabhol settlement
In exchange for $160 million in compensation for its equity and contractor claims, Bechtel agreed to forgo international arbitration over the expropriation of its investment.
No TPP delay for Waitangi - Crown
The Crown will not delay any commitment to sign the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement until the Waitangi Tribunal can decide on whether to hear an inquiry into the agreement.
Chinese premier expects progress in China-Fiji FTA feasibility study
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday asked for progress in the joint feasibility study of a China-Fiji Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
TTIP and UN treaty: the EU must stand up for human rights
Adopting an ’empty chair’ policy in Geneva instead of engaging in a productive debate, next to the strong trans-institutional push for the Commission-backed TTIP, paints a grim picture of a Europe that puts corporate interest ahead of human rights and companies before people.
How the US is using a secret agreement on services to wriggle out of its WTO obligations
It is increasingly evident that the TiSA negotiations are an attempt to pressure developing countries to grant greater liberalisation in sectors of interest to the US and other industrialised countries, without the latter having to pay any price for it, writes Chakravarthi Raghavan
Indian firms advised to increase investment in Vietnam to leverage trade pacts
Indian companies should set up shop in Vietnam in order to take advantage of Hanoi’s upcoming trade deals with Europe and the US, the government says.
Land rights and investment treaties: exploring the interface
New IIED report finds that investment treaties can have far-reaching implications for land reform, for public action to address “land grabbing” and more generally for land governance frameworks.
Tokyo urges Manila to accept Fukushima farm produce
Tokyo is pressing Manila to relax its import restrictions on farm products from the Fukushima prefecture in exchange for more trade concessions under the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement, the Department of Agriculture revealed on Wednesday.
India might take two-tier approach in goods trade under RCEP
India is offering 75-80 tariff lines for duty cuts to countries with which it already has an FTA (Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea) and only 40-50 to the others (Australia, NZ, China).
Thailand to pursue free-trade zone with Russia’s EEU
Thailand plans to apply for membership in the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union and launch a free-trade zone by year-end, a media report said.
Gold mining company that sued Costa Rica files for bankruptcy
Zombie mining company that tried to sue Costa Rica for US$1 billion in lost profits folds.
Colombia and Japan to begin 12th round for Economic Partnership Agreement
Colombia and Japan will begin the 12th round of negotiations for Economic Partnership Agreement on Tuesday, Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism announced on Monday.
Ottawa, Kyiv ink trade deal during Ukrainian PM’s visit
Canada has reached a trade agreement with Ukraine that Prime Minister Stephen Harper says will help the Eastern European country build its economy and establish greater ties with the West.
How global trade agreements undermine sustainable business: The American Sustainable Business Council perspective
The American Sustainable Business Council explains that the point of greatest concern in TPP, TTIP and especially the TiSA agreement is the proposal to allow corporations to sue governments in an international tribunal.
TDM 4 (2015) ArbitralWomen/TDM Special
In this joint ArbitralWomen/TDM special on "Dealing with Diversity in International Arbitration" the contributing authors from around the globe place the arbitration community under a microscope, analyze critically what they find, ask whether we can do it better with diversity, how diversity will improve the process and how to bring diversity into the mainstream of the arbitration world.
CUPE delegates in Colombia to oppose secret trade deal
Four national public sector unions have joined forces with sister unions in Colombia to fight against the privatization of public services and to strengthen each other’s struggles to defend human and labour rights.
TTIP: a corporate lobbying paradise
Which businesses are pushing most for the proposed EU-US trade deal TTIP? Who’s influencing EU negotiators?
TTIP will force all Europeans to take Greece’s medicine
If the Greek crisis has shown how the institutions of the EU will stop at nothing to force through their own brand of capitalist discipline, TTIP is confirmation that we will all soon be tasting the same medicine.