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The proposed EU-US free trade agreement and the NHS
This treaty, if passed, would represent an enormous challenge to public-owned health services across Europe.
Arbitration panel rules for Chevron on Ecuador Amazon pollution case
Plaintiffs’ hopes for collecting a $19 billion judgment awarded by an Ecuadorean court against Chevron Corp. for oil contamination in the Amazon have suffered another potential setback.
EU-Singapore FTA (draft, Sep 2013)
EU, Singapore ready to sign free trade deal
The EU and Singapore Friday moved closer to signing a Free Trade Agreement after they released the draft text of the deal for approval and ratification by the two sides.
Ramotar: Has any Caribbean country benefited from EU trade deal?
“I think it is time that we evaluate whether any Caribbean country has actually benefitted in a tangible way from the implementation of the EPA, and if not, why,” Guyana’s President Donald Ramotar told European Union officials.
Chinese investors flock to Vietnam to wait for TPP
Three years ago, Chinese businessmen, when asked if they would make investment in Vietnam, all said “no.” However, they have changed their mind.
Colombia is latest addition to pantheon of free-trade follies
The failure of free-trade agreements has repeatedly highlighted the need for more humane, intelligent agricultural interventions
Activists warn of EU FTA dangers
While Thai authorities trumpet the progress of the second round of negotiations for a free-trade agreement with the European Union, activists are harsh in their opposition, particularly on the opening up of the pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors.
Chevron wins major arbitration victory
In an apparent coup for the oil giant’s efforts to undermine a $19 billion environmental judgment in Ecuador, an international tribunal has suggested that the Ecuadorians’ claims in that case were all settled and extinguished in 1995
Bilateral trade agreement on ice as Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff cancels US visit
Dilma Rousseff cancels visit and mutual trade pact on revelations that US’ National Security Agency hacked into presidential emails
China’s interest grows in joining an Asia-Pacific trade deal
China’s tnterest in eventually joining an Asia-Pacific trade agreement is growing considerably, US business officials say.
EU-China investment talks: no EP consent without transparency, Trade MEPs warn
EU-China talks on an investment and market access accord will touch interests that are highly sensitive for the EU public and must be conducted "with the highest possible level of transparency" and subject to parliamentary oversight, says the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee
Xi seeks to resume FTA talks with Arab states
President Xi Jinping on Monday called for an early restart of negotiations for a free trade area between China and the Gulf Cooperation Council, which Xi called an important partner of China.
Hundreds protest Thai-EU free trade talks in northern Thailand
Hundreds of Thais gathered in the northern city of Chiang Mai Wednesday to protest against talks on establishing a Free Trade Agreement between Thailand and the European Union.
National farmers and social strike gets seeds control law 970 suspended
In Colombia after 21 days of a nationwide strike by thousands of farmers, blocking more than 40 roads nationwide, protesting farmers forced the Colombian government to negotiate the rejection of a farm bill and the release of detained protesters. Report from Real News Network.
Peruvian legislators file motion seeking public debate on the Trans Pacific Partnership
On August 28, a group of members of the Peruvian legislature – the Parlamentario Acción Popular-Frente Amplio – proposed [a motion that asks for greater transparency in the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.
EU’s Everything But Arms initiative is impoverishing Cambodian farmers
An EU trade initiative intended to reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries has driven thousands of Cambodian farming families into destitution and led to serious human rights violations, Inclusive Development International (IDI) and Equitable Cambodia and said in a report released Monday.
TPP: Abbott may cave on foreign investor rights to sue govts
The Abbott coalition government may cave on foreign investor rights to sue Commonwealth and State governments as secret Trans-Pacific Trade talks continue in Washington, warns the Australian Fair Trade Investment Network.
AFL-CIO to fight "trade" deals like TPP
This week’s AFL-CIO convention passed a resolution vowing to fight any trade agreement that promotes the rise in corporate power at the expense of working people.
Asean eyes free-trade pact with Hong Kong
ASEAN and Hong Kong plan to start discussing a free-trade deal by early next year in a move to promote trade and economic growth.