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ASEAN govts should consider incentives for flexible employment arrangements
ASEAN governments should consider giving further incentives for expenses incurred by employers in implementing flexible employment arrangements.
Poster woman for the war against the U.S.-led TPP
A Japanese artist takes aim at society’s assumptions about commerce and culture using works rooted in intensive research. This time, her target is the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
TTIP vs food sovereignty
TTIP threatens our food future. In addition to campaigning against it, we need to work towards an alternative framework.
TPP, TTIP, organic equivalencies — trade...
TPP, TTIP, organic equivalencies — trade agreements have been all over the headlines for the past few months. But what is the impact for food and beverage companies in the U.S.?
Opposition mounts against regional trade pact threatening human rights
Less well known than the notorious Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is engendering growing opposition because of its similar oppressive provisions.
Arbitration Act to be taken up in next Parliament session: Gowda
The amendment to Arbitration Act will be taken up in the forthcoming Parliament session. The amended act would be on par with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) system.
The promised ‘transparency’ around TTIP has been a sham
The EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström promised another offensive on TTIP transparency. Unfortunately, most politicians in the European parliament are as much in the dark as ordinary citizens.
Disposable people: Obama, the TPP, and the betrayal of human rights
The neoliberal regime that the TPP perpetuates has not made the world flatter for slaves, it has only made the elites richer and the poor more disposable.
Is Europe the new frontier for US energy exports?
New techniques of oil and natural gas extraction in the United States have untapped large volumes of oil and natural gas. If the new free trade agreement with the European Union is ratified, most U.S. LNG producers will be able to export to Europe.
EU weighs up possible trade deal with world No.1 dairy exporter
The move, which would also include a possible trade deal with Australia, may be part of a new ‘communication’ on future EU trade policy, set to be published this autumn, reports Agra Europe’s Paul Hutchison.
Taiwan and Vietnam to start talks on new investment agreement
Vietnam has agreed to start talks on a new Taiwan-Vietnam Bilateral Investment Agreement to provide more protection for Taiwanese businessmen investing in the Southeast Asian country.
Local councils are starting to tear strips off TTIP
In the UK and across Europe, TTIP Free Zones are popping up like people power mushrooms.
Newly released emails reveal cozy relationship between US trade officials and industry reps over secret TiSA deal
Multinational corporations have been more than thrilled to take advantage of secretive trade negotiations process to get their wish list of policies through the backdoor.
Chafing at the BIT
The government is looking to replace the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (BIPPA) with a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT),
TISA and tech’s double standards on secret government Internet deals
The stash of previously-secret correspondence about the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA) speaks volumes about the extent to which technology companies into the dangerous idea that trade agreements should be used to govern the Internet.
Will China’s currency devaluation complicate the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
China’s recent currency devaluation has sparked a debate over the inclusion of currency manipulation controls in global trade agreements.
Australian food labelling laws: changes and complexities for foreign trade
Changes to Australian food labelling laws provide consumers with an increased understanding of the origin of their food. The challenge Australia faces is to ensure compliance with foreign investment trade agreements.
A Libreville, les Africains dressent un bilan mitigé de l’accord de libre-échange avec les Etats-Unis
L’ouverture du marché américain qu’a permis la loi AGOA est une ouverture en trompe-l’œil. Les produits pétroliers et le textile ont été privilégiés, mais ceux-ci ne constituent pas l’essentiel du potentiel de l’ensemble des pays africains.
Tafta, Pac, crise de l’élevage : « Les revendications de la Fnsea ne sont pas tenables »
Laurent Pinatel, le porte-parole de la Confédération paysanne, défend ses revendications pour sortir les éleveurs de la crise, évidemment différentes de celles du syndicalisme majoritaire
Susan George : « Il est encore possible d’empêcher le Tafta »
L’essayiste altermondialiste et présidente d’honneur d’Attac intervenait mercredi dans un forum sur le thème « Combattre le libre-échange ».