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Negotiating in secret: economy faces RCEP dangers
India’s RCEP engagement is a classic example of contradicting policies of the Modi government, G. Manicandan argues
Union calls for Labor to block free trade agreement with China
In a sign of the pressure that will be brought to bear on the opposition as it considers its stance on the just-released FTA, the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union warned Labor against making a pragmatic decision to offer its overall support.
SYRIZA says Europarliament must reject TTIP
According to SYRIZA, ISDS undermined economic democracy by treating the rights of peoples and their elected representatives as equal to the rights of an economic oligarchy, essentially amounting to an exemption for large multinationals from democratic controls and continuing a conversion of western democracies to states where elections cannot bring about changes to economic policy.
Government pessimistic over bigger Trans-Pacific Partnership
Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb told ABC radio: “If it’s not dealt with in the next two or three weeks I think it’s … we’ve got a real problem with the future of the TPP.”
Trans-Pacific Partnership trade proposal threatens SEIU members
The reality is that TPP would expand the power of multinational corporations while limiting the ability of the US government to protect workers, communities and the environment.
EU Parliamentarians call on Congress to stop Fast Track
42 members of the European Union Parliament delivered a letter to the United States Congress regarding the negotiation of bilateral trade agreements
US: House moves to delay action on trade bill for 6 weeks
In an extraordinary twist that perhaps only a lame duck president can relish, President Obama has largely jettisoned his plan to lure House Democrats to get his trade agenda through Congress, and instead is now working closely with Republican leaders.
European Court of Justice to assess EU-Morocco agri-deal
The European Court of Justice will assess the EU-Morocco agricultural agreement over Western Sahara on 16 June
ACP calls EU’s EPA deferral unacceptable
The organisation of African, Carribean and Pacific countries says the European Union’s decision to defer negotiations for an Economic Partnership Agreement with the Pacific states is unacceptable.
China, Australia to sign free trade deal
After 10 years of negotiations, the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) will be signed on Wednesday and the text will be released on Thursday.
Luxembourg MEPs called upon to vote ’no’ on TTIP
A Luxembourg platform calling for plans for a US-EU trade partnership to be abandoned has urged the Grand Duchy’s MEPs to vote against the proposals put forward by the European Commission.
Vietnam signs FTA with EEU: What about Indonesia?
In its quest for new markets and more opportunities, Vietnam — the rising star of ASEAN — signed a historic free trade agreement (FTA) with the newly established Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on May 29 in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.
Valle de San Quintín labourers: a reflection of shame and demands for justice
San Quintín is a credible, contemporary sample of the different processes that make up the contemporary system of labour exploitation
US trade bills seek to halt boycotts of Israel
Amendments to Obama’s sweeping trade package would fight BDS, but Democrats opposed to other sections are holding things up.
Peru, Thailand agree to continue FTA talks
Peru’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism Magali Silva and Thailand’s Deputy Minister of Commerce Apiradi Tantraporn agreed to continue moving forward towards the signing of a Free Trade Agreement and strengthen trade ties between the two countries.
Germany’s most powerful trade union grouping to join protest against trans-Atlantic trade pact
A powerful grouping of German trade unions says it will help organize protests this fall against a planned trans-Atlantic free trade pact.
US House plans Friday vote on ‘fast track’ trade authority
Republicans aimed for a vote on Friday to hand President Barack Obama the coveted “fast-track” trade negotiating authority he needs to complete his signature Pacific trade pact after concessions to Democrats appeared to smooth the way forward.
Egypt, Ethiopia negotiate FTA procedures between 2 countries
Egypt negotiated with Ethiopia on Wednesday over procedures to establish a Free Trade Area in Ethiopia, according to head of the Industrial Development Authority Ismail Gaber.
Half of Africa joins in a free trade zone
African leaders have established a single free trade area encompassing 26 countries and 625 million people in eastern and southern Africa. And next week, they’ll kick off a process to negotiate an all-Africa trade pact.
TPP - healthcare annex of draft transparency chapter (Dec 2014)
as leaked by Wikileaks on 10 June 2015