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The dismissal of a case against plain cigarette packaging is good news for taxpayers
I only wish to caution that we should be wary of anyone who suggests that the decision demonstrates that ISDS isn’t problematic.
Approaches for an alternative strategy to the FTA
The major challenge consists in rescuing the sovereignty of our States, that has been chipped away in recent times by untrammelled US power and its giant corporations and by the subjugation (“by free determination”) of regimes such as those in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Land deals and investment treaties
The vast majority of the land deals from the recent wave of agribusiness investments in low and middle-income countries are protected by at least one investment treaty.
Philip Morris loses case against Australia’s tobacco plain packaging law
Cigarette company Philip Morris has suffered another defeat in its long-running bid to overturn Australia’s plain packaging laws.
TPP ratification process grinding to a halt as Canada launches ’widespread consultations’ on the deal
In Canada, the government there makes good on its promise to consult the public on the deal. TPP may be done, but it’s by no means dusted.
China steps up push for more free-trade pacts to counter US-led TPP
China has laid out a road map in its quest for free-trade agreements, pledging to reach deals with most of its neighbours and to further open up its own markets.
2015: a year in review on trade and the environment
In 2015, new trade and investment cases, leaks and texts all demonstrated how trade rules present a significant threat to our environment and climate.
How the TPP perpetuates the mistakes of the DMCA
The TPP fails to adequately protect rights to freedom of expression and is likely only to perpetuate the unintended consequences that users have suffered under more than 15 years under the broken DMCA.
’Copyright cops’ activated under TPPA
Internet Service Providers will be able to police anyone with Internet connection in an effort to protect copyright holders, after the TPPA comes into effect.
Omnibus bill shows trade deals can, in fact, rewrite U.S. laws
A short provision will remove labels telling consumers where their beef and pork comes from, but it will reveal something else.
Govt approves revised BIT model, excludes tax matters
The Cabinet approved the revised model text for the Bilateral Investment Treaty.
The history of ISDS in 1 minute
Arbitration between investors and states (ISDS) has been around for a while, but in recent years the number of cases has exploded.
The TPPA provides for illegal GMO contamination of our food
Provisions in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement provide for the contamination of our food supply with unapproved and illegal genetically modified organisms.
Act to ease free-trade impacts passed
The new law will require the labor ministry to offer ‘appropriate supporting aids’ to people working in negatively impacted industries and companies.
Has free trade been worth the huge costs, Mr Biden?
Has free trade been worth the huge costs it has imposed on residents of cities such as Bethlehem, Gary, Detroit and Pittsburgh and a number of cities across Ohio?
Govt to forgo $4.2b in China tariffs
The China free trade agreement will sap $4.2 billion from federal government tariff revenues.
EU appeals ECJ annulment of EU-Morocco Free Trade deal
The European Union has appealed the judgement from the EU Court of Justice.
EU-Canada trade negotiating mandate made public
The Council decided to declassify the directives given to the Commission to negotiate a comprehensive economic and trade agreement with Canada.
Japan offers broader railway access in trade talks with EU
Japan has offered European companies broader access to its railway market in ongoing free trade talks with the European Union.
TPP a gift to plutocrats? Canada’s Trade Minister wrote the book on them
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will accelerate the gap between rich and poor by protecting corporations’ interests over those of workers and governments.