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What the Trans-Pacific Partnership means for the cost of drugs
A quick analysis of the leaked text shows there are good reasons to be concerned that the TPP’s generous IP protections could still prove a minefield for efforts to control drug costs in Canada
FACIL contre le Partenariat transpacifique et la Loi antiterroriste de 2015
FACIL tient à affirmer publiquement son opposition au PTP. La version finale du chapitre sur la propriété intellectuelle confirme les craintes des principaux organismes qui défendent les droits et les libertés des humains dans la société numérique.
German government hits back after TTIP demo
Despite the massive anti-TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) protest in Berlin, the German government and industry still want to press on with the negotiations
Drugs row threatens health sector budget
Ahead of a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Modi and German Chancellor Merkel this week, European manufacturers had already protested India’s patents policy, arguing that it doesn’t protect sensitive technology.
China-backed trade pact playing catch-up after U.S.-led TPP deal
While RCEP has largely been seen as an alternative to U.S.-led trade plans, some say that view is evolving. China may ultimately look to steer RCEP talks towards a broader pact that would encompass TPP into a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) an idea first put forward by APEC.
EU deal will put elderly care at risk
Elderly people’s homes in Ireland will be open to unfettered competition putting care at risk under the terms being drafted for the trade and services agreement between the EU and the US.
‘Political will’ may no longer be the bane of AEC
With less than three months before AEC is launched, the business community is still not convinced that the governments in Asean are politically committed towards AEC. Many feel the countries in the region are not pulling up their socks to remove non-tariff barriers
TPP: the path to global fragmentation
The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal is another nail in the coffin of a multilateral global trade system that brought the world together in the past six decades
Court finds against Trade Minister on TPPA Secrecy
Court finds against Trade Minister on TPPA Secrecy; Chief Ombudsman wrongly upheld his unlawful decision
TTIP: A box of tricks for corporate climate criminals
A new briefing by AITEC and CEO explains why TTIP, and especially regulatory cooperation, could put a stranglehold on our ability to create the energy transition required to tackle climate change.
Trans-Pacific Partnership: we’re selling economic sovereignty for little return
Part of the cost of free trade deals is standardisation – in this case it means adopting US practices.
Brazil eager to start talks on free trade zone with EEU
Brazil hopes to commence negotiations on creating a free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and the issue is already on the agenda of the Mercosur countries
Free trade great for corporations, not farmers
Big Agbiz are global buyers and sellers who, when able to play both sides of any trade-leveled playing field the world over, rarely lose.
Stop TTIP signature hand-over action in Brussels, 7 Oct 2015
Stop TTIP signature hand-over action in Brussels
I didn’t think TTIP could get any scarier, but then I spoke to the EU official in charge of it
With just eight words she exposed everything that’s wrong with the deal, and why it needs to be defeated
East African states agree on free trade area issues
The East African Community partner states have agreed on the outstanding trade issues under the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA).
India may provide most favoured status to RCEP investors
India is likely to grant most favoured nation (MFN) treatment to 15 countries that are in talks to conclude an agreement on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Govt spin won’t stop TPP facts emerging
If governments want to play by secret squirrel rules they can hardly accuse those who raise alarms based on best available information of scaremongering.
No ban for TPP nationals buying NZ houses
Prime Minister John Key says the Trans Pacific Partnership will not technically prevent a future Labour Government from banning the sale of residential properties to foreigners.
Coalition expects to cut deal with Labor over China trade agreement