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Cameroon: economic partnership agreement - Cameroon’s readiness questioned
Liberalising its market at 80 per cent to the European market might be harzardous if the country is not prepared to face stiff competition that is expected to come with the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement, EPA.
What Turkey expects from its free trade agreement with Singapore
The Turkey-Singapore Free Trade Agreement is a comprehensive one covering not only bilateral tariff liberalization, but also a reduction in non-tariff barriers.
Canadian companies behaving badly
Mining sins in poor countries are likely to get worse under Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Honduras and CAFTA show us one of the key reasons why TPP should be opposed
What labor complaints seek is not “dispute settlement” but freedom and rights for workers. CAFTA has not yet achieved this in Honduras.
LATEST: European Court annuls EU trade agreement with Morocco
The European Court of Justice has this morning ordered the annulment of a trade agreement between Morocco and the European Union since it includes the territory of Western Sahara.
Move to renewables jeopardized by EU corporate trade deals
Proposed special rights for corporations in EU trade agreements threaten to prevent the necessary energy transition to tackle climate change according to a new report.
Will Palestinians take advantage of EU decision to label settlement products?
Palestine is seeking to achieve economic advantages by replacing settlement products with Palestinian products in European cities.
EU-Morocco Geographical Indications deal fails in geography
A proposed agreement on protective measures for products linked to specific geographical locations, fails manifestly in understanding the geographic stretch of Morocco.
Only 11.4% of SMEs say they are set for AEC
Nien out of 10 Thai small and medium-sized enterprises say they are not ready for the Asean Economic Community
Georgia begins round two of free trade talks EFTA
The third round of negotiations between Georgia and EFTA will be held in February 2016.
Canada warns EU trade deal could unravel if talks reopened
Canada is open to rethinking the contentious issue of investor protection in its free trade accord with the European Union but warns that EU demands for change risk unraveling the entire deal.
Egypt to appeal $1.76 bln award to Israel in gas dispute, freeze gas import talks
Egypt said on Sunday it would appeal an order by international arbitrators to pay $1.76 billion in compensation to state-owned Israel Electric Corp for halting gas supplies.
How the TPP will affect you and your digital rights
By excluding a large sector of communities—like security researchers, artists, libraries, and user rights groups—trade negotiators skewed the priorities of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) towards major tech companies and copyright industries.
Sri Lanka will never sign CEPA with India: PM Wickremesinghe
Sri Lanka will never sign the long-pending CEPA with India mooted during the previous Mahinda Rajapaksa regime.
Fiji considers pulling out from Pacer Plus agreement
Fiji may consider pulling out from the Pacific Agreement for Closer Economic Relations or PACER plus.
TiSA: A framework for reregulating the global trade in services?
TiSA is currently being negotiated amongst a group of (mostly rich) countries, rather than amongst all countries.
Investment treaties and the internal vetting of regulatory proposals: a case study from Canada
The study focused on whether ISDS contributed to changes in internal vetting of government decisions related to environmental protection in the province of Ontario, Canada.
PACER-Plus renders weak protections for Pacific businesses
PACER-Plus is shaping up as an agreement that won’t fit into the Pacific reality, will have weak protections for Pacific businesses and undermines the ability of governments to enact policies to support and nurture vital Pacific industries.
Canada and Mexico win trade ruling over US livestock law
Canada and Mexico have won a trade victory over US law requiring country of origin labelling on beef and pork.
There is no EU solution to climate change as long as TTIP exists
The European Union has been caught trying to undermine any meaningful outcome from the UN climate talks in Paris.