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Focus on: TTIP, food & farming

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Government urged to protect interests of UK poultry farmers
The competitiveness of UK poultry producers is at risk if the EU-US trade negotiations proceed on the basis that products are of an ’equivalent’ standard.
EU-US trade deal threatens food safety
The trade agreement being negotiated between the US and EU threatens public health, consumer rights and animal welfare standards, shows new analysis today by food and trade experts
US, EU agriculture leaders try to ease trade concerns
US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack shared the stage with his counterpart EU commissioner Phil Hogan at the US Department of Agriculture’s annual Outlook Forum and discussed TTIP.
Foodwatch boss: ’Europeans will not stomach TTIP anymore’
The EU-US free trade agreement, TTIP, is a big lie, says Thilo Bode, the director of the NGO Foodwatch, discussing his latest book on the transatlantic trade deal.
EU-US trade deal will ’hang beef sector out to dry’: ICSA
The potential for losses of between €25m and €45m for the beef sector from any trade deal between Europe and the US has provoked a sharp response from the Irish farm organisations.
TTIP: The newborn in the neoliberal saga
Since the mid 1990s, some relevant economic actors have been trying to contribute to the evolution of a massive free trade zone linking the US and Europe, two of the richest regions in the world.
MEPs want health excluded from TTIP talks
MEPs want to exclude public health services, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), the use of hormones in the bovine sector, chemical legislation REACH and its implementation, and cloning from the talks.
April 17: Lobby action tour on TTIP, impacts for food and farmers
On 17 April, Via Campesina, the D190-20 Alliance and Corporate Europe Observatory held a lobby tour around the Brussels European quarter, highlighting the corporate lobbies who are pushing an aggressive agenda around TTIP (the EU-US trade deal currently being negotiated).
The EU claims that TTIP won’t reduce EU food safety standards – but is this true?
The EU commission has claimed that there will be no lowering of food safety standards in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that is currently being negotiated with the United States. However, an examination of the EU’s negotiating position shows that they are already offering changes which could lead to increased amounts of pesticide residues in food in the EU in the future.
Approval of GMO imports moves EU ’closer to Monsanto’
Environmental advocates say authorization indication of further industry-friendly policies pending trade deal with US will usher in