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New report: No fracking way How the EU-US trade deal risks expanding fracking in Europe and the US
A trade deal between the EU and the US risks opening the backdoor for the expansion of fracking in Europe and the US, reveals a new report released today.
TTIP: A charter for deregulation, an attack on jobs, an end to democracy.
This new booklet, written by John Hilary, Executive Director of War on Want, explains in short what TTIP is and how it will affect the lives of all of us if it comes into force.
AFL-CIO, more than 40 other organizations call for public consultations on investor rights in trade deals
Millions of Americans are hoping the US government will immediately initiate open and fruitful discussions on ISDS.
Rough trade: the new corporate power grab
Trade and investment agreements currently being negotiated will mean the biggest corporate power grab in a decade. We need a new global movement to confront them, writes Nick Dearden
Trade chief misleads on GM foods
Who is really in charge of the European Union’s food safety policies? Over the past few weeks, two EU commissioners have been sounding markedly different notes about genetically modified (GM) crops.
Night anti-TPPA protest for M’sians in the dark
Candles were lit and banners were hung in front of the International Trade and Industry Ministry last night as a form of protest against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
What is TTIP?
The US and Europe are currently negotiating TTIP, with little media scrutiny and without public participation.
Public forum on anti-people “trade” deal
As the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement hurtles towards an indecently fast and secret finalisation between the states of 12 countries and a number of large transnational corporations, concerned citizens around the globe have been organising a resistance to this anti-democratic and anti-people “free trade” agreement.
65,000 protest TPP in Mexico, see repeat of NAFTA mistakes
Farmers, union, environmental and women’s activists gathered in Mexico City last week to take stock of the lessons from NAFTA and plan strategies to confront the next big threat: the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).
German public TV videos on TTIP - now in EN
CEO has put English subtitles to two excellent media reports on TTIP that were shown on German public TV in the previous months.
Is the TPP dead?
An interview with Kevin Zeese, organizer with Flush the TPP and Popular Resistance.
Not a hacker or whistleblower? Here’s how you can still liberate secret documents
When there are documents that the public has a right to know about, we have a right to go take them, writes Daniel Hunter
Prevent free trade agreements TTIP/TAFTA - please sign!
Please sign on to this German petition against TTIP/TAFTA before 24 Feb 2013
John Kinsman: Why we should oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership
John Kinsman, the author of this op-ed first published in The Capital Times in 2012, passed away on January 20, 2014. He was a leader of the global food sovereignty movement who many of us knew.
CETA access denied – Federal government refuses to disclose working text of Canada-EU deal
The federal government of Canada has denied an access to information request from the Council of Canadians for the working text of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
EEB: “Regulatory rollback: how TTIP puts the environment at risk”
European Environmental Bureau position paper on the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Critics score against extreme corporate rights in TTIP, but must not be fooled by the Commission’s tricks
This week, the European Commission announced a freeze in negotiations over dangerous corporate rights in the proposed EU-US trade deal (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP) and that it would conduct a public consultation on the issue.
The global fight against corporate rule
Activists are challenging rules that grant corporations the right to sue governments, write Robin Broad and John Cavanagh
Free trade for ’high-risk biotech’?
New report from Testbiotech on the potential influence of the planned Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on the authorisation of new genetically engineered organisms for use in agriculture and food production.