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Expansion of geographical indications under CETA now in effect in Canada
Canada has implemented a number of amendments to the Canadian Trade-marks Act related to the protection of geographical indications, as a result of the trade agreement between Canada and the European Union.
The third track: Trade that builds our economy anew
The continent needs urgently to deal with the full implications of climate change, eroding soil health, vanishing fresh water aquifers, the obesity epidemic, concentrated corporate power in agricultural markets, deepening inequality, and much more besides.
Sacrificing South America’s forests on the altar of EU market access
By making this concession on beef, the EU is putting trade and consumption above its commitments to halt deforestation.
Defending quality PDO products of local societies in international trade agreements
PDO (products designation of origin) products when internationally traded, they are not just commodities but they also incorporate biodiversity, traditional production, know-how and culture of the local communities where they are produced.
Unfair trade: US beef has a climate problem
TPP, like other global trade treaties, fails to acknowledge climate change or include mechanisms to curb it.
5 hidden costs of the RCEP to people and planet
The RCEP has hidden costs for people’s lives
US seeks end of Canada dairy system as latest NAFTA talks wrap
The US wrapped up the fourth round of Nafta trade talks with a bombshell proposal to dismantle Canada’s dairy sector, adding to a list of demands its trading partners say would be impossible to accept as negotiations grow more fraught.
The milk crisis in India: The story behind the numbers
This book tells the story of how global trends including the ongoing threats of trade agreements such as the EU-India FTA and the RCEP are driving countless small dairy farmers into debt and ultimately out of farming.
RCEP: Robbing communities to extract profit
RCEP will give multinational corporations unprecedented rights
New free trade agreements: normalising brutal transnational supply chains
Transnational supply chains have been an expanding economic actor since transnational corporations began outsourcing manufacturing to places where extremely low wages, low or non-existing labour safety standards and even slave labour prevailed or were tolerated.
RCEP In India: A creamy deal for transnational dairy corporations, growing resistance from farmers
The Modi governmentmust stop the RCEP from destroying rural livelihoods.
Biofuels emerge as burning issue in EU-Mercosur talks
Biofuels have emerged as a make-or-break issue in the EU’s negotiations with South American trading bloc Mercosur, and EU farmers fear they will be left to fend off stronger competition in a shrinking market.
US eager for trade talks with Japan, seeking ‘preferred status’: agriculture secretary
US Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue expressed strong hopes that his country would launch trade talks with Japan to expand exports of farm products.
EU and Canada settle cattle battle at the WTO
The settlement of the dispute at the WTO, which began in 1996, was facilitated by a liberalization of trade under the EU/Canada Comprehensive Economic and Free Trade Agreement (CETA).
Ireland and France furious with EU over plan to import more beef from Brazil
The European Union (EU) is facing a stinging attack from Ireland and France after Europe moved to open up the lucrative beef market to Brazil.
La filière viande demande l’exclusion totale de la viande bovine de cet accord
Interbev et la FNB s’offusquent de la proposition de la Commission européenne d’octroyer un contingent tarifaire annuel de 70 000 tonnes de viande bovine dans le cadre des négociations commerciales avec les pays du Mercosur.
More producers and feedlot operators needed for CETA
The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association says they are looking for producers and feedlot operators to sign up for their beef to be eligible in the E.U. market.
Renégociation de l’Aléna: le lait canadien sous pression américaine
Le Canada subit les pressions des Etats-Unis pour accepter plus de produits laitiers sur son marché protégé dans le cadre de l’actuelle renégociation de l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (Aléna) entre ces deux pays et le Mexique.
CETA’s bitter taste for European food and agriculture
CETA stealthily packages several controversial elements that leave a bitter taste for European food and agriculture.
Taiwan conditionally lifts import ban on Japanese beef
Taiwan has conditionally lifted a 16-year-old ban on beef imports from Japan, clearing a major roadblock in negotiations on an economic partnership agreement.