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intellectual property

How the revolving door lets Hollywood shape Obama’s trade agenda
The revolving door between industry groups and the Obama administration’s trade shop has been busy lately.
Free trade agreements contain provisions that restrict access to medicines: UNITAID
UNITAID, a global health initiative has warned against bilateral and regional trade agreements, pushed mostly by Europe and the US, as such agreements go well beyond traditional trade concerns and include provisions that force extensive obligations related to intellectual property and investor protection which would restrict access to medicines.
Leaked EU analysis of TTIP IPR negotiations
Here is a two-page excerpt from a March 20, 2014 EU analysis of the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations on intellectual property rights, including geographical indications.
TTIP and the big pharma wish-list
A report by the Commons Network and civil society partners shows that the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for the TTIP is detrimental for public health, will increase the cost of medicines and undermines democratic processes
US Senators shocked by EU’s cheese-name claims
In a rare act of bipartisan unity, dozens of US senators have wheeled into action against what they call an "absurd" European initiative that would force name changes to common cheese varieties produced in the United States.
Canada-South Korea trade agreement demonstrates deals possible without increasing IP protections
The IP chapter of the Canada-Korea FTA is significant for what it does not include. Unlike many other trade deals — particularly those involving the US, EU and Australia — it is content to leave domestic intellectual property rules largely untouched, writes Michael Geist.
Europe tells US to lay off Brie and get its own cheese names
The European Union wants US food makers to stop using names with historical ties to Europe. But what else would you call, say, Parmesan or Brie?
Lessons from Vodafone tax case: Govt to rewrite BIPA to exclude taxation, intellectual property right issues
India has readied a new draft to negotiate bilateral investment treaties in the future, keeping taxation and intellectual property right issues out of its ambit
Move on data protection or fail on TTIP, EU Parliament chair says
On 31 January, there was a stern warning from Elmar Brok, chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, that the United States must move quicker on joint data protection standards to avoid failure of the bilateral talks between the EU and the US.
Possible retard de l’accord de libre-échange entre la Suisse et l’Inde
Le conseiller fédéral suisse Johann Schneider-Ammann a laissé entendre samedi dans la presse alémanique que la question de la protection des brevets pourrait retarder l’accord de libre-échange avec l’Inde.
India-EFTA free trade pact talks stuck on intellectual property regime issue
Negotiations for the free trade agreement between India and EFTA, four-member grouping that includes Switzerland, was stuck on the issue of intellectual property regime.
A TTIP Christmas wish
The European authorities want industry to come up with a counter-narrative to civil society in what would appear to be fear of an ACTA protest Mk2. This was revealed in a cosy Brussels soirée held at the American Chamber of Commerce to discuss the intellectual property content of the EU-US trade agreement known as TTIP.
The EU-Thailand FTA: What fate for access to medicines?
Following the public outcry over the EU’s demands for stringent intellectual property rules that would dramatically raise medicines prices in India, you would expect the EU to think twice about making similar demands in future trade agreements. Yet, this is precisely what is going on now in the negotiations for a free trade agreement between the EU and Thailand.
2nd Wikileaks release: US refusing to budge on TPP issues
A new set of leaked documents from the latest round of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations show large differences remain between the 12 nations trying to hammer out a trade agreement.
Joe Stiglitz writes open letter to TPP negotiators
"At this point in time, we do not need a TRIPS plus trade agreement, we need a TRIPS minus agreement."
Leaks confirm fears about Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement
In mid-November, Wikileaks released the secret draft text for the Intellectual Property Rights Chapter of the TPP. Stuart Trew talks about what this leak tells us about the agreement as a whole.
Jailbreaking and unlocking might be restricted in treaty pushed by Obama
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty pushed by the Obama administration could complicate efforts to loosen restrictions on jailbreaking and unlocking smartphones, tablets, or other consumer electronics
TPP - draft IP chapter (30 Aug 2013)
WikiLeaks publishes secret draft chapter of Trans-Pacific Partnership
WikiLeaks has released the draft text of a chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, a multilateral free-trade treaty currently being negotiated in secret by 12 Pacific Rim nations.
Roadblocks revealed in TPP talks
Leaked details of free trade negotiations between New Zealand and the United States show the two countries are in stark opposition on a number of key areas.