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Wallonia votes against EU trade pact with Mercosur countries
The Walloon parliament has voted unanimously in favour of a motion critical of the trade pact agreed between the European Union and the Mercosur countries.
Trump’s new trade deal is disastrous for the planet
The deal’s chapter on the environment fails to even mention "climate change." Nor does it include meaningful standards to prevent corporations from dumping toxic pollution in border communities.
US-UK trade deal needs labor, climate protections, enforcement: US lawmaker
A future US-UK trade agreement must incorporate strong provisions on worker rights, environmental protection, US House Ways and Means Committee Chairman said.
How a trade deal with the US could destroy the UK’s climate change goals
Boris Johnson’s plan to diverge from EU rules threatens crucial environmental regulations.
Mercosur deal at odds with EU carbon neutrality aim, study claims
The controversial Mercosur trade deal is incompatible with the EU’s commitment to carbon neutrality and “may undermine global efforts to avert runaway climate change”.
A clause in the US–China trade deal presents a big opportunity for the oilsands
China agreed to buy ’petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude’ and that could include Canadian crude travelling through the US.
With passage of NAFTA 2.0, Congress boosts fossil fuel polluters, particularly in Mexico
NAFTA 2.0 cleared another hurdle as the U.S. Senate approved the trade deal with bipartisan support.
New study on Mercosur: A bad deal for climate and environment
The Mercosur agreement damages the environment, climate and small farmers.
Bernie is right: Trade is a climate issue
Trade deals have been huge drivers of climate change. NAFTA, for instance, incentivized the expansion of industries with high carbon footprints.
Emission intensity of Irish beef vs. Brazilian beef outlined by MEP
The high emission intensity of beef production in the Mercosur countries can reach levels that are more than double the emission intensity of Irish beef.
Beyond repair? The Energy Charter Treaty
An obscure investment agreement, the Energy Charter Treaty, threatens to undermine bold climate action to transform Europe’s energy system.
New NAFTA is lost opportunity to reform corporate trade deals
Deal does not address the farm crisis, but will exacerbate climate crisis and jeopardize health and public safety.
Trump’s NAFTA 2.0: An environmental failure
An assessment suggests the revised deal would perpetuate NAFTA’s environmental damage.
US banned climate from UK trade talks
The US has banned any mention of climate change in US-UK trade talks.
Leading environmental groups urge Congress to oppose a pro-polluter NAFTA 2.0
The renegotiated NAFTA fails to meet the baseline standards for environmental and climate protection that the environmental community has consistently called for.
EU governments under pressure to quit Energy Charter Treaty
Climate campaigners are demanding that European Union countries pull out of the treaty unless they can negotiate an end to the pact’s investor-state dispute mechanism.
Open letter on the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
We – 278 environmental, climate, consumer, development, and trade related civil society groups, as well as trade unions – believe that the ECT is incompatible with the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
EU-Mercosur deal lets agribusiness off the hook and exacerbates climate crisis
It is time that 21st century trade policy reflects 21st century emergencies and answers to the climate crisis.
Australia to fight Europe on climate demands in free-trade deal
Climate change targets are shaping to be a major sticking point in trade negotiations with Europe after France publicly tied Australia’s domestic action on climate change to the proposed FTA.
EU-Mercosur trade deal will intensify the climate crisis from agriculture
The reality is that the EU-Mercosur FTA will cause a serious increase in global greenhouse gas emissions.