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LDP considering national ’farming MBA’ program as part of TPP policy
The government may support "MBA in agriculture" programs across Japan as part of domestic agricultural policies to prepare for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact.
U.S. auto safeguard in TPP identical to KORUS, but different in practice
The special motor vehicle safeguard that the United States has secured in its bilateral auto deal with Japan under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is identical to the one included in the U.S.-Korea free trade agreement, but will have a different lifespan
Trans-Pacific Partnership: read the side letters not just the headlines
Australia has entered a wide range of bilateral agreements with countries around the Pacific in a web of special deals which underline the complexity of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Japan, U.S. agree to protect alcoholic drinks linked to special areas by banning knock-offs
Japan and the United States have struck a deal to ban alcoholic beverages that are not produced in the geographical area included in its brand name under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact.
Japan, five TPP partners agree to review terms after seven years
Japan has agreed with five of the 12 nations involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade initiative to launch talks, if requested, on their terms of agreement seven years after the pact’s ratification
TPP fishery impact to be ‘limited,’ for now: farm ministry
The impact on fishery products from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is likely to be “limited,” although tariffs are set to be axed for most of the 300 or so items listed in the free trade pact.
TPP sets limit on corporate suits
The Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact limits the period for foreign companies to file damages lawsuits against host states over sudden regulatory changes to 3½ years
Japan, Mongolia affirm closer economic ties via free trade pact
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mongolian Prime Minister Chimed Saikhanbileg to advance economic cooperation between the two countries on the back of a free trade agreement
Japan mulls extra budget to bolster agricultural sector in wake of TPP pact
The government is preparing a supplementary budget to help farmers compete with cheaper imported crops under the recently concluded Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact, which obligates Japan to lift tariffs on many agricultural products.
Gov’t to mull collecting sales promotion funds from farmers
The government will look into collecting funds from farmers and other producers to be utilized in promotional activities for their products.
Japan to remove tariffs on 95.1% of imports under TPP pact
The Japanese government said that it will eventually remove tariffs on 95.1% of farm, industrial and other imported products in value terms under the recently sealed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.
Japan to lift duties on all vegetables, most fishery products under TPP
The government said it will lift tariffs on all vegetables and most fishery products under the recently inked Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.
Japanese rice farmers upset over broad TPP agreement
Many farmers in Japan have started to feel increasingly insecure about their future as 12 Pacific Rim countries including Japan reached a broad agreement on the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade initiative.
National politics put trade talks under pressure
While domestic political schedules are making it imperative for the U.S., Japan and Canada to wrap up a historic trans-Pacific trade pact, New Zealand and Mexico appear intent on prolonging the talks to extract the best concessions possible.
Japan, China, South Korea fail to strike FTA deal
Japan, China and South Korea ended their two-day negotiations on a trilateral trade agreement without fruit.
S. Korea, China, Japan set to hold high-level FTA talks
South Korea, China and Japan will hold three-way free trade negotiations in Beijing this week to tackle the sensitive issue of market access.
U.S. dairy exporter pushes for TPP deal acceptable to Congress
Japan and other nations need to open their dairy markets further to hammer out a Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal that is acceptable to Congress, Tom Suber, president of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, suggested.
Auto parts differences between Japan, U.S. and others seen clouding prospects for next TPP ministerial talks
The 12 countries taking part in Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiations are likely to face difficulties in arranging a ministerial meeting as Japan, the United States and others were unable to narrow the gap over the automotive sector in recent working-level talks.
Poster woman for the war against the U.S.-led TPP
A Japanese artist takes aim at society’s assumptions about commerce and culture using works rooted in intensive research. This time, her target is the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
EU weighs up possible trade deal with world No.1 dairy exporter
The move, which would also include a possible trade deal with Australia, may be part of a new ‘communication’ on future EU trade policy, set to be published this autumn, reports Agra Europe’s Paul Hutchison.