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American and German unions reject ISDS
Union leaders on both sides of the Atlantic have called for TTIP negotiators to drop extra-legal arbitration systems from any future trade deal. They believe existing judicial systems offer adequate protection to investors. EurActiv France reports.
SL-China FTA to allow skilled workers here
A storm is brewing over renewed negotiation of the proposed Indo-Sri Lanka Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi threw the ball in the Sri Lankan court saying India was interested in finalising this agreement.
TUC’s Owen Tudor: ’We are totally opposed to TTIP’
Shrouded with secrecy and posing a threat to public services, Owen Tudor tells EurActiv why the UK Trade Union Congress doesn’t believe the hype over TTIP, and why exploitation, rather than immigration, should be the cause of people’s concerns.
105 Colombian trade unionists killed in 4 years: NGO
Colombia’s National Union School presented a report to the US Congress denouncing the killing of at least 105 trade unionists since the implementation of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.
Unions calling for halt on TPP trade
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is calling for the federal government to halt all negotiations on “the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal”, saying that the leaked proposals could see the price of medicines rise and foreign companies given rights to sue the Government.
NAFTA increased mass migration to the United States
After Mexico, the United States and Canada signed the FTA, in the agricultural sector alone five million workers lost their jobs in Mexico and they were forced to migrate.
Unions to fight trade pact by freezing political donations
Dozens of major labor unions plan to freeze campaign contributions to members of Congress to pressure them to oppose fast-track trade legislation sought by President Barack Obama , according to labor officials.
Time for Menendez to stand against TPP for the sake of Latinos nationwide
The TPP would displace 1.2 million workers across Mexico and the Caribbean and nearly 170,000 in the US, according to Mary O’Rourke, an industry analyst.
TTIP or the disintegration of the EU
Ecologistas en Acción and ‘No al TTIP’ consider that the EU-US trade agreement will mean reductions in labor rights and these will be justified by “cost reduction based on the anti-trade union policy of the US – that has not ratified ILO conventions – and on labor reforms imposed by the Troika”.
The TTIP will lead to 600 000 job losses in the EU
A study presented in the European Parliament predicted that the controversial agreement that Brussels and Washington are negotiating behind closed doors would bring about losses in jobs, economic capacity, salaries as well as exports.
UPDATE: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): A charter for deregulation, an attack on jobs, an end to democracy
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung have today released an updated version of their publication on TTIP by John Hilary.
TiSA must include a gold-standard clause to protect public services
European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions pushes for a compromise: a clause which would clearly exclude as widely as possible public services from the scope of TiSA.
We don’t need the TTIP!
The heads of the two main Francophone Belgian unions express their clear reservation on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Report: US trade and migration policies feed crisis in Honduras
Failed trade and migration policies of the United States have exacerbated political problems in Honduras, leading to greater poverty and violence, says a recent report by the AFL-CIO.
German workers warn auto bosses not to compromise rights in TTIP
Union representatives at Germany’s largest carmakers including Daimler and Volkswagen warned auto bosses and politicians on Tuesday not to water down labour rights in negotiations for a transatlantic trade deal.
Unions intensifying attacks on new emerging free-trade pact
Just over two decades after lobbying unsuccessfully against the North American Free Trade Agreement, US labor unions are again voicing strong reservations to a proposed major trade-liberalization deal.
International treaties that loom against the rights of the working class (I): TTIP
The context of negotiations, the origins of the TTIP and its new model of labor relations.
Analysis shows TTIP consequences insignificant for Slovenia
Preliminary findings of an analysis of potential trade liberalisation with the US show that consequences for Slovenia’s economy would be relatively small but mostly negative, eliminating jobs in the private sector.
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and labour
Negotiations on the labour provisions in TTIP will start in 2015. This briefing for the European Parliament highlights some of the issues.