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Regional dialogue set to ensure the inclusiveness of the private sector in Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement negotiations
The inaugural Tripartite Regional Dialogue will ensure inclusive participation of the private sector in the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) negotiations.
Participation in Africa trade deal tenuous
26 African countries signed the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) agreement. However, only three of Africa’s eight regional economic communities are participating in the TFTA.
COMESA appreciates Tripartite FTA progress
The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Council of Ministers has appreciated the progress made so far in the negotiating process that include finalising the outstanding work in Phase 1 of the Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement (TFTA).
EAC, Comesa receive €85 mn grant to aid regional integration
The European Union has signed €85m in grants to facilitate regional integration through removal of internal trade barriers.
EU-Southern Africa trade deal to be signed in Botswana in May
The European Union and five Southern African Development Community states will meet in Botswana in May to sign a trade deal that has taken at least 10 years to complete.
EU-SADC EPA (2015)
Text agreed to July 2014, the tariffs in October 2015, to be signed May 2016.
East African states agree on free trade area issues
The East African Community partner states have agreed on the outstanding trade issues under the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA).
Regional investment policy framework on the cards
A regional investment policy framework for southern Africa is expected to be finalized by the end of the year. The Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (TIFI) Directorate at the SADC Secretariat said in its annual report that significant progress has been made to develop a regional investment policy framework. The regional programme on investment has the objective of strengthening the investment environment in southern Africa.
In African Union, globalist agenda becomes clear
The continent of Africa is being unified economically and politically under an EU-style continental regime beyond the reach of citizens. And the entire integration agenda is, in fact, being supported by powers that do not have the interests of Africans in mind.
TFTA: Pan-African free trade area announced
TFTA states that its aims include harmonisation and improvement of regional trading arrangements, enhancement of trade facilitation.
Tripartite FTA’s sugar industries vow to eliminate trade associated problems
In a bid to eliminate possible problems associated with sugar trade in Africa’s new trade agreement, the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA), sugar industries of the bloc have resolved to speak in one unified voice.
Comesa drafts 2016-20 strategic plan
Removing tariff and non-tariff barriers to facilitate increased regional trade dominated the deliberations that buttressed the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) agreement
Southern Africa: is the latest FTA another booby prize for Africa?
Some petty "sovereign" economic interests are the main reason why a billion dynamic people in Africa with such incredible natural resources continue to live in poverty.
Southern Africa: Botswana - Angola may join free trade zone in 2017
Angola will join the Free Trade Zone of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) in 2017, if the country takes the necessary steps
Swaziland to eliminate barriers to ratification, approval of Tripartite FTA
Swaziland will eliminate in any way possible barriers to the ratification and approval of the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA).
SADC summit to focus on economic transformation
Leaders from Southern Africa meet for their annual summit this month in Botswana, united by a common objective to improve the socio-economic situation in the region.
SADC to set new Customs Union deadline
After missing the 2010 deadline, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) will now negotiate a new target date for the transformation of the organisation into a Customs Union (CU), during the 2015 Ordinary Summit.
International investment agreements and Africa’s structural transformation: a perspective from South Africa
The brief describes the widening debate on the implications of international investment agreements for sustainable development and outlines the broad features of alternative policy approaches to foreign direct investment
Time running out for states to sign TFTA
Finalisation of negotiations on outstanding TFTA areas especially with regard to rules of origin, trade remedies, and dispute settlement will be introduced following the launch of a post-signature implementation plan
SADC, EU inch closer to ratifying EPA agreement
The European Union and Southern African Development Community are on the verge of finalising the signing of an Economic Partnership Agreement.