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PH climate change official tells APEC: No trade without addressing disaster risk issues
There can be no trade agreement without addressing disaster risk and climate change issues in the Asia-Pacific region, the Philippine government says.
Paris Climate Summit: New report protects climate legislation from trade deals
A new report formulates an innovative trade deal exemption clause that allows countries to pursue environmental and climate change policy free from the chilling effects resulting from investor-state dispute settlement provisions in trade agreements.
MOVIE: System change not climate change
The greatest challenges of our time is to end the unjust distribution in the world and to fight climate change.
Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership an environmental pollution pass for corporations?
Critics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement are skeptical saying the agreement will be harmful to the environment and economically benefits large corporations.
Groups demand rejection of anti-climate provision in Customs Bill
A coalition of environmental and fair trade organizations are protesting the inclusion of language in the “Customs bill” in the US Congress that would explicitly prevent the United States Trade Representative from seeking to address climate change in trade agreements.
TTIP aim to lift US oil export ban goes against climate targets
EU push to lift restrictions on US crude oil and liquefied natural gas exports as part of controversial trade deal could explode Canada’s tar sands carbon bomb and push up carbon emissions
The FIPA with China restricts Canada’s options on climate change
For years, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government told Canadians that it could not act on climate change until China joined in. Yet, in 2014, the government quietly finalized a 31-year investment treaty that, in essence, gives Chinese oil companies an advance bailout against a range of steps that Canada may need to take on climate change.
Can free trade agreements be consistent with climate change mitigation?
Free trade agreements could elevate the rights of possession of fossil fuel resources above that of mitigating climate change.
Canada-EU trade deal would hinder policies to address climate change
The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) would worsen climate change, explains Brent Patterson.
With the new House bill, even Obama might not want the Obama trade agreement
The Republican-led US House of Representatives voted to give President Obama authority to negotiate trade agreements, passing the so-called fast-track bill with the assistance of just 28 House Democrats on Thursday. The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill, which was decoupled from a labor program, will now go back to the Senate for approval.
MEPs threaten to block trade deal over rights to regulate carbon emissions
European parliament will ‘never consent’ to a Trade in Services Agreement that could bypass emissions limits for airlines and ships, senior figures warn
US DoE grants export authorisation for Alaska LNG Project
Alaska can now export liquified natural gas (LNG) to countries with which the US does not have a free trade agreement - such as Japan, Taiwan, China and India.
The hidden costs of trade treaties
The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.
Germany worries about TTIP’s impact on environmental standards
The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is worried that the stated aim of the EU-US negotiations for a free trade agreement to bring regulations and standards as close together as possible, may lower environmental standards in the EU.
Protect our climate and health, not multinational profits
This week’s edition of world-leading medical journal The Lancet includes a call by 27 health experts from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, the USA, and Vietnam for the TPPA to be made public so its overall health impacts can be assessed.
2014: A year in review on climate and trade
Take a look at some of the major happenings on trade in 2014 and you’ll see, however, that trade rules and climate disruption are integrally linked.
Saving the climate means stopping TTIP!
How the transatlantic free trade agreements cheerfully scupper energy transition….
Why climate litigation could soon go global
Climate change is already causing about $600-billion in damages annually, gobally. Oil and gas companies could soon find themselves on the hook for at least part of the damage.
European Union drops plan to label oilsands crude ’dirty’
The European Union has backed off a plan to label oil from Alberta’s oilsands as dirtier than other oils and to make it harder to import.​
The trade clause that overrules governments
The Obama administration’s insistence on ISDS may please Wall Street, but it threatens to undermine some of the president’s landmark achievements in curbing pollution and fighting global warming.