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The EU-Indonesia FTA sustainable impact assessment report and why it is so hard to find
The sustainable impact assessment report of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Indonesia is not easy to find. Yet some of its findings are quite worrying.
Indonesia-Australia partnership
The IA-CEPA has been ratified by the legislatures of both countries and is thus strongly based on a national political consensus, allowing for immediate implementation..
Indonesia ratifies Australia trade deal
The Indonesian parliament has given the green light to a new trade deal with Australia, paving the way for the agreement to be signed in Canberra on Monday.
India absent from RCEP special negotiating talks in Indonesia
India was absent from two days of talks on a sprawling Asia-Pacific free trade agreement in Indonesia that ended Tuesday, fueling speculation that it may withdraw from the negotiations.
India, Indonesia negotiating economic cooperation agreement
India and Indonesia are set to launch negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) to cover economic cooperation while trading in goods, services, and investments.
Trade between Indonesia and the EU likely to get more tense, with dairy at the center
Away from the more headline grabbing US-China trade dispute, a less glamorous one has also been taking place between the corridors of Brussels and Jakarta.
Indonesia likely to see small gains from US-China deal
Indonesia is likely to see a small benefit from the phase-one trade deal between the United States and China as the demand for commodities and the overall Chinese economy are expected to improve.
’When two elephants fight’: EU, Indonesia tussle over resources
As disputes over palm oil and nickel head to World Trade Organization, affected residents say they feel trapped.
RI wants to resolve issues in RCEP negotiations
The Indonesian negotiating committee for the establishment of the RCEP wants the “Indian issues” to be resolved early 2020.
Indonesia warns on EU trade deal, dairy imports amid palm oil spat
Indonesia is prepared to walk away from talks on a free trade deal with the European Union over the bloc’s stance on palm oil, while also launching a probe into subsidies on dairy imports from the EU.
DPR asks palm oil’s inclusion in IEU-CEPA
The House of Representatives (DPR) Commission IV has urged the government to include palm oil in the negotiations on Indonesia - European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement/IEU-CEPA).
South Korea and Indonesia reach final agreement on free trade deal
South Korea and Indonesia on Monday wound up seven and a half years of negotiations on a free trade deal, with an agreement to remove tariffs on steel, autos and beer.
By the way: what’s free about free trade?
The very idea of a free trade agreement is a contradiction. You don’t need a complex agreement to trade freely.
Indonesia to continue IEU-CEPA talks despite protest
Indonesia will continue the ongoing negotiations on economic and trade partnership with the European Union despite a fresh spat following a leaked document about the EU’s plan to exclude biofuels derived from palm oil by 2021.
Governmental action against the Indonesian palm oil industry
SOMO researchers undertook a research project to identify cases when Indonesian governmental entities took steps to investigate, engage with, convict, or penalize certain palm oil companies accused of harmful or illicit business activity.
Indonesia, Colombia to undertake feasibility study on market access
Indonesia and Colombia have agreed to shortly initiate a Joint Feasibility Study (JFS) under its efforts to tap avenues for increasing access of several Indonesian export goods to the Colombian market.
Indonesia to continue IEU-CEPA talks despite friction over leaked document
Indonesia will continue the ongoing negotiations on a trade partnership with the European Union despite a leaked document about the EU’s plan to exclude biofuels derived from palm oil.
Minister designates conclusion of trade negotiations as priority
Indonesian Trade Minister brought attention to prioritizing the prompt conclusion of several international trade negotiations in 2020, including RCEP and deals with Tunisia, Morocco, the EU and Turkey.
Free Trade Agreements are fueling and shaping the oppression and injustice against women
Women gathering resulted in several demands from the grassroots women, urging the new elected government of Indonesia to stop negotiating FTAs. Women demand “no more FTAs"
AFTINET fears that assurances sought by Labor will not prevent harmful impacts from Indonesia and other trade deals
Organisations representing millions of Australians wrote to Labor MPs last week asking them to implement their policies against harmful proposals including special rights for foreign investors to sue governments for millions over domestic laws.