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’Copyright cops’ activated under TPPA
Internet Service Providers will be able to police anyone with Internet connection in an effort to protect copyright holders, after the TPPA comes into effect.
The TPPA provides for illegal GMO contamination of our food
Provisions in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement provide for the contamination of our food supply with unapproved and illegal genetically modified organisms.
Pakatan Harapan MPs seek AG’s advice on constitutionality of TPPA agreement
Four lawmakers today wrote a letter to the Attorney-General seeking clarification whether the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is in line with the spirit of the Federal Constitution.
Could haze in Asia give rise to treaty claims?
The smoke haze that has engulfed Singapore, Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia for two months could violate international law and be the subject of an investment treaty claim against Indonesia.
TPPA vs tobacco control - the devil is in the details
Now that the whole text of the TPPA has been released, it appears the TPPA provides many avenues for the tobacco industry to thwart and frustrate government efforts to enact stronger measures.
Trans-Pacific Partnership: read the side letters not just the headlines
Australia has entered a wide range of bilateral agreements with countries around the Pacific in a web of special deals which underline the complexity of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Critic: TPP deal has ‘exclusions up the wazoo’
The exceptions, laid out in multiple annexes and embedded in various chapters of the 1,000-page-plus Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, range from obscure provisions to controversial measures
Abim, NGOs file suit to stop Putrajaya from signing TPPA
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) and two other Malay non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have filed for a judicial review to stop Putrajaya from signing the contentious Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).
No cheaper milk despite NZ FTA
Consumer prices of dairy products imported from New Zealand will most likely remain at the current level although the free trade agreement (FTA) between the southern country and Malaysia will fully kick off in 2016.
Malaysia in talks on FTA with Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Malaysian Government is in discussions on establishing a free trade agreement (FTA) with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
TPP talks snagged over Malaysia’s stand on SOEs
SOEs are Malaysia’s toughest issue in the TPP negotiations.
Malaysia should withdraw from TPP, says Malay economic body
Malaysia should withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) now, said a Malay economic group, warning that the contentious trade deal will result in negative economic growth and have implications on the country’s sovereignty.
Disposable people: Obama, the TPP, and the betrayal of human rights
The neoliberal regime that the TPP perpetuates has not made the world flatter for slaves, it has only made the elites richer and the poor more disposable.
Minister: TPP and RCEP are equally important to the country
Malaysia gives equal emphasis to two trade pacts – Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) said International Trade and Industry Minister, with RCEP provide a future boost for the four Asean countries in the TPP negotiations.
TPPA compromises M’sian workers
Government of Malaysia has proposed several amendments be made to the Sabah Labour Ordinance, the Industrial Relations Act and Workers’ Union Act to allow TPPA to materialise but labour groups are opposed to such measures.
Malaysia-Pakistan trade set to improve this year
Malaysia-Pakistan tradeis expected to improve this year with the revival of Malaysia-Pakistan Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (MPCEPA)
Malaysia will not sign any TPP pact in Hawaii
As pivotal negotiations in the making or breaking of the Trans-Pacific Partnership enter the final stretch, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry has stated that Malaysia will not sign any agreement during the current round of talks, which runs until July 31, and sought to reassure critics that it will stand firm on issues of sovereignty, government procurement, state-owned enterprises and the bumiputra agenda.
Blocked from trade pact by its failure on slavery, Malaysia suddenly gets a passing grade
The State Department on Monday took Malaysia off a list of countries with particularly egregious human trafficking records, clearing the path for the country’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, one of the top political priorities for the Obama administration.
Don’t trade away our lives, urge folk with HIV/Aids
As the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) enter what could be its last round, we as people living with HIV/Aids (PLHIV), urge the Malaysian government not to trade away our lives.