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UK looks to supercharge EU trade deals post-Brexit
Britain is looking for ways to take on the EU’s free trade deals with countries around the world after Brexit - then use its new independence to cut taxes and regulatory barriers to trade, boosting the power of the deals.
EU capitalizing on free-trade interest amid gloom over Trump policies
The European Union is seeing increased impetus around the world to move forward with Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with the bloc, which will make the most of uncertainty over the outlook for U.S. trade policy.
Mercosur trade bloc agrees common position ahead of EU talks
Foreign ministers of the South American Mercosur trading bloc have reached a common position ahead of negotiations with the European Union on a potential trade deal.
EU and ASEAN agree to put free trade pact back on agenda
The European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations said the two blocs would try to revive plans for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between them.
The little deal that could: Canada & the E.U. ink the biggest global trade-deal in two decades
After seven long years of negotiation fraught with controversy, the two trade blocks have cemented the ‘Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement’ – aka. CETA.
CEMAC invites European Union to re-join negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreement
The CEMAC ministers decided not to adhere to the stage Agreement as is, and to continue negotiating for a complete regional EPA.
EU commissioner to discuss Asean trade relations in Manila
EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström is set to visit Manila to primarily discuss trade relations as well as the goal of a Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN.
EU, New Zealand conclude preparatory FTA talks
As a next step, the European Commission will ask member states for a mandate to negotiate on behalf of the EU.
CETA: A false solution to economic and political woes
The deal offers the language of prosperity and progress, but in reality, accelerates income inequality and grassroots unrest.
Egypt’s FM in Brussels to meet European Union counterparts
Sameh Shoukry is scheduled to sign a cooperation agreement with EU counterparts that frames Egypt’s future relationship with European institutions in the next three years.
The EAC-EU EPA: Tanzania is raising pertinent issues
Tanzania is reluctant to sign and ratify the EPA raising a number of issues including the implications of the EPA on EAC’s development in general and industrialisation in particular.
India refuses to accede to European Union requests; post-March, investors to have no legal cover
Fresh investments by European companies in India and vice versa after April 1 won’t enjoy legal protection under any bilateral arrangement, as India has decided not to accede to requests by the European Union.
EU presses Vietnam to improve human rights ahead of trade deal
Vietnam is coming under pressure from lawmakers in Europe to improve its human rights record before ratification of an EU free trade deal.
East Africa: EPA and diplomatic chess games in EAC
The East African Community is once again facing a delicate diplomatic situation as it seems now more than ever that, after protracted negotiations, member states may have to just agree to disagree on the Economic Partnership Agreement.
East Africa: EPA trade deal with Europe is a form of colonialism, says Magufuli
Tanzanian President John Magufuli described the Economic Partnership Agreement as a "form of colonialism", dampening the country’s possibility of signing the deal with the European Union.
Armenia reaches new political agreement with EU
The European Union and Armenia have agreed on a new pact tightening political ties, more than three years after Yerevan walked away from a more far-reaching political and commercial deal with the EU to join the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union.
India should not let Europe undermine its new BIT and TRIPs flexibilities for medicines
There is no principled basis for EU’s demand of extending patent protection beyond the period of 20 years.
Europe pushes ahead with controversial Canadian trade deal, opens door for tar sands
The trade deal could facilitate energy companies suing Member State governments when environmental policies threaten their profits.