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Bilateral investment pacts haven’t worked
Reform of the international investment agreement regime has swept many countries, including Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, India and the EU, writes the Secretary-General of CUTS. What are the reasons for the growing scepticism? What lies ahead?
RCEP talks may miss December 2016 deadline, enter 2017: Nirmala
Countries negotiating the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership wanted to conclude the negotiations by December 2016 but "that is not going to happen," India’s Commerce and Industry Minister said today.
China, Asean ‘need fast RCEP deal’
ASEAN-China trade is contracting, making it necessary to speed up the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations, says a top Chinese think-tank.
Growing protest against TTIP and CETA trade agreements in Germany
Hundreds of thousands of protesters are expected to take to the streets in several German cities to rally against plans to move forward with two key international trade agreements - one year after a similar protest managed to attract similar numbers.
Top economists say government claims ‘mythical’ trade deal benefits
Economists from Australian National University and Adelaide University accuse the government and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of perpetuating the “myth” of trade deals — such as those signed with China, Japan, Korea and the US — bringing the country “enormous benefits”. This has no basis in fact, they say.
Trade ministers petitioned to hold off on PACER-Plus
Signed by 55 Pacific civil society organisations and over 200 individuals, the petition calls for no conclusion to be made on PACER-Plus until all the texts have been released and there has been an independent social impact assessment of the proposed deal.
’Indonesia-Australia pact can make us partners in prosperity’
Statement from Australian Chamber of Commerce on potential Australia-Indonesia trade agreement
Australia-Indonesia FTA to go boldly where no agreement has gone before
The Indonesia-Australia Business Partnership Group, tasked with setting negotiating priorities, paraphrased Star Trek when it opined: "It should go boldly where no Free Trade Agreement has gone before".
TDM 3 (2016) - Three Centuries of Arbitration for Peace
The papers from this "Three Centuries of Arbitration for Peace" TDM/SCC Special are runner-up submissions of the writing competition initiated by the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC).
APRN Briefer on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Neither the TPP nor the RCEP, neither the US nor China and their corporations will ever address the long-standing people’s aspiration for an international trading system that responds to their needs.
Turkey keen to initiate talks with India on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
Turkey has proposed to India commencement of talks for a “Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement” (CEPA)
Oxfam calls for ‘no decision’ on Pacific free-trade agreement
Civil society groups, trade unions, church groups, environmentalists, gender activists and many more are calling for Ministers to make no decision on PACER-Plus — a free trade agreement between Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands — until there has been a proper social impact assessment and mandate from the Pacific people who are most likely to be affected.
Jordan QIZ workers face "undignified" conditions
A human rights organisation has condemned what it describes as "undignified" conditions faced by workers in Jordan’s Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZ), as well as violations at some textile factories outside these zones.
Mustapa: Asean-EU-FTA talks not affected by Brexit
The Asean-European Union free-trade agreement negotiations will not be affected by Brexit, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said.
India may offer China different terms in new RCEP structure
India is working on a single tariff concession for 15 countries in the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement but is thinking of differential treatment for China especially to the phase out period in view of the big trade deficit between the two Asian giants.
Did TTIP push the EU to scrap precaution on endocrine disruptors?
In June, the European Commission broke its promise that it will not trade away the ’precautionary principle’ to strike a trade deal with the United States, BEUC reports.
Pacific and NZ unions left out of Pacific Labour meeting
A meeting on Pacific labour mobility under the PACER Plus trade deal has a glaring omission – the voices of organised labour.
DTI pursues free trade talks with EU, Chile
The Philippines Department of Trade and Industry is aggressively pursuing free trade talks with key trading partners, including the European Union and Chile, as it seeks to follow through with the gains achieved by the last administration.
Ignore European Union, don’t sign EPA, group tells Nigerian government
Social Action has asked the federal government to not to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union. Ghana and Ivory Coast have also resisted the EPA
FTA talks with Indonesia: Pakistan sets condition
Pakistan has reportedly refused to start negotiations on Free Trade Agreement with Indonesia until Pakistan’s concerns on existing Preferential Trade Agreement are addressed within six months