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De l’utilité du vote
Si le respect du suffrage universel ne semble pas être une priorité des dirigeants européens, il est alors légitime de s’inquiéter du sort qui sera réservé au nouveau veau d’or de notre classe dirigeante, le futur traité de libre-échange transatlantique.
Feds appealing NAFTA tribunal decision of Nova Scotia quarry project
Canada is appealing a potentially expensive decision from a NAFTA tribunal, arguing the tribunal "exceeded its jurisdiction" when it upheld a claim from a New Jersey concrete company, Bilcon, that it was entitled to compensatory damages.
TPPA compromises M’sian workers
Government of Malaysia has proposed several amendments be made to the Sabah Labour Ordinance, the Industrial Relations Act and Workers’ Union Act to allow TPPA to materialise but labour groups are opposed to such measures.
Trade deal could put Big Tobacco’s interests before public health
The tobacco industry has deep pockets. The industry uses its profits to resist measures being taken by governments all across the world to cut smoking and deaths from smoking.
GE issues – The Trans-Pacific Partnership and our political will
What TPP means for Singapore, politics and you.
Peru moves forward with trade agreements agenda
Peru is making progress in implementing the agenda of new trade agreements
Foreign investment favors FTZs
China’s eastern and coastal areas are again favorite destinations for foreign investors as some cities have set up pilot free trade zones
TUC briefing on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
TUC Congress believes that the primary purpose of TTIP is to extend corporate investor rights’ and thus adopted a position of ‘outright opposition’ to TTIP.
Melinda Saint-Louis : « Le traité transatlantique ne profitera qu’aux 1% »
Je vois donc moins cet accord comme une lutte entre les sociétés américaines et européennes, que comme un traité qui ne bénéficiera, des deux côtés de l’Atlantique, qu’aux « 1 % »
Five reasons why TPP countries should unite to oppose the US pharmaceutical IP agenda
Failure to reach agreement over expanded intellectual property (IP) protections for medicines has proven to be a stumbling block to completion of the 12-country Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.
S. Korea, Ecuador set to launch FTA talks
South Korea and Ecuador will announce the start of negotiations for a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) next week
Will Hollywood’s whining thwart better TPP copyright rules?
Hollywood groups are behaving like spoiled children: if they don’t get exactly what they want, they’ll whine to policymakers until they do.
New Zealand: nationwide actions protest controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership
Thousands of protesters across New Zealand are ringing the alarm on the TPP, saying it is far from a standard trade agreement and could threaten the sovereignty of countries that sign it.
Government mulling strong model BIT to revise investment pacts
Indian government had decided to come out with a new framework after several multinational firms invoked bilateral investment protection agreements.
Zeybekci suggests renewal of FTA with Serbia, BiH
Turkey is ready to the fullest extent to expand the free trade agreements to the service, public, food, agriculture and e-commerce sectors
Relations Maurice/Singapour : vers un accord de partenariat économique
Les deux pays se dirigent vers un accord de partenariat économique afin d’établir un mécanisme collaboratif dans plusieurs domaines.
TTIP/TAFTA et ses investisseurs tout-puissants expliqués en moins de 4 minutes
L’ISDS permet aux entreprises de traîner les gouvernements devant des tribunaux secrets privés. La facture incombera au contribuable européen.
FIPA license to treat Canadians
The Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA), ratified in 2014, is a license to be unfair to Canadians.
Why Argentina’s petition to vacate an wward in AWG Group Ltd v. Republic of Argentina matters for future arbitrations
Argentina filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia a petition to vacate an UNCITRAL arbitration award, which could have broader implications for determining partiality of arbitrators.
S. Korea’s membership in TPP only matter of time: trade minister
South Korea has no other choice but to join the U.S.-led regional free trade agreement, known as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the country’s trade minister said.