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Cambodia may lose EU market share if EU-Vietnam bilateral FTA materializes, say exporters
If the EU-Vietnam trade deal goes through, Cambodia - which currently accounts for 22% of the EU’s rice iumports - will certaily lose market share.
Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal threatened by dairy wrangle
A complex stand-off over dairy exports could be the key determinant of whether trade ministers seal an agreement on the TPP this week.
Pacific trade negotiators face high-wire act in Hawaii
Pacific Rim officials meet in Hawaii this week for talks that could make or break an ambitious trade deal which aims to boost growth and set common standards across a dozen economies ranging from the United States to Brunei.
USTR proposal in TPP would undermine state sovereign immunity for patents, copyrights
TPP would violate the right of US states to protection from suit for patent, trademark or copyright infringement
No FDI in multibrand retail under trade pact: India to EU
The government of India has categorically informed the European Union that it will not allow European multibrand retail firms to set up shop here, even as both sides decided to resume negotiations towards concluding the long-pending Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement.
Secrecy of TPP talks fuels concern about influence of corporate property lobby
Higher costs for needed generic drugs. Longer copyright protections than the global standard. Foreign investors empowered to overrule governments. A more tightly-regulated Internet. Those are just some of the potential pitfalls from any deal that could emerge from the TPP this week.
APWLD: Stop TPP - campaign toolkit
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development have prepared a toolkit for groups that want to join the struggle against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
National MPs could block US trade deal, activists say
A study by the Institute of Law at the University of Cologne finds that in all EU member states, except for Malta, a parliamentary approval process would be necessary to sign TTIP and the provisionally-agreed trade deal with Canada (CETA) into law.
Don’t trade away our lives, urge folk with HIV/Aids
As the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) enter what could be its last round, we as people living with HIV/Aids (PLHIV), urge the Malaysian government not to trade away our lives.
Indonesia, EU seek possibility of free trade agreement
Indonesia and the European Union ( EU) are set to negotiate over a plan to engage in free trade between the two sides, according to Indonesian officials Friday.
Analysis: ’Shrewd’ Canada playing long game as TPP trade talks begin in Maui
The game has changed since trade negotiators from 12 Pacific Rim countries met in Guam last April.
Obama woos Asia with trade deal asserting US Pacific role
Trade officials from 12 governments are gathering in Hawaii next week to attempt to hash out the final details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potential bonanza for US corporations.
Labour confirms conditional support for TPP
The TPP is bitterly opposed by many on the left who want New Zealand’s involvement to be completely scrapped, but after a meeting of the Labour caucus this week the party has announced its support, subject to five conditions.
NZ: Crown defends TPP secrecy at Waitangi Tribunal hearing
Maori individuals and organisations from around the motu have filed claims alleging the trade deal will jeopardise their Treaty rights, while the Crown says it will not.
Corporate lobbying expense jumps as US trade debate rages
Washington lobbying by companies and groups involved in global trade boomed in the past nine months, records show, as Congress debated a landmark trade pact proposed by President Barack Obama, the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
EU farmers association reacts to likely duty-free rice imports from Vietnam under bilateral FTA
As negations between the European Union and Vietnam regarding the EU-Vietnam Bilateral Free Trade Agreement are in their final stages, the European association of EU farmers unions and cooperatives (Copa-Cogeca) has expressed concern about the future of the EU rice growing sector.
Anonymous hacks US Census Bureau over TTIP agreement, leaking employee details online
Anonymous claims responsibility for a cyber-attack conducted against a US government website because of TTIP and TPP talks
Thai seafood products could be banned, warns MEP
A prominent lawmaker from the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries told EurActiv he would support giving a “red card” to Thailand, meaning banning the import of its fisheries products, if illegal fishing isn’t curbed, and if the practice of using slave labour is not abandoned.
Looming RCEP deal could help unlock conclusion of Trans-Pacific FTA
South Korea has joined 15 other countries in holding fresh talks on a regional free-trade agreement to be held in Myanmar next month, when it is hoped that a cross-Asia RCEP deal will make significant headway in unexpectedly quick time.
Canada, Israel modernise free trade agreement
This updated version of the existing Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement will provide expanded market accesss for agricultural, fish and seafood products if Canada’s Parliament approves it.